» Tattoo meanings » Totem tattoo

Totem tattoo

The concept of a totem came to us from antiquity. This item served as a symbol of worship in various Indian tribes: Maya, Maori, Aztecs.

The emergence of totems is associated with people's belief in the divine power of natural phenomena, the power of living beings. The tribe chose an animal that became a symbol, sacrifices were made to it. Also, each person could have totems.

Most often, they looked like an object with an image and signs, or body tattoos were applied.

Totem tattoo meaning

According to the Indians, totem animals endowed the warrior with superpowers, so each had a certain meaning. Here are some of them:

  • Bear - strength, self-exploration, constancy;
  • Wolf - the ability to exist in a pack, loyalty;
  • A fox - cunning;
  • Coyote - quickness, resourcefulness, agility;
  • Owl - wisdom;
  • Snake - the ability to change, transform, adapt;
  • Eagle - visual acuity, foresight;
  • Turtle - perseverance in pursuing your goal.

Having chosen a totem, a person carried it with him as an amulet or made a tattoo on his body. In ancient times, men lived by hunting, and the totem animal really shared its abilities. This was due to the fact that the owner of the amulet began to observe his living creature and adopt from him habits, protective abilities, hunting instincts. This approach could save lives in the thicket of the forest. The presence of a totem tattoo gives its owner strength, protects from the evil eye, and serves as a guard.

The Maya Indians tied totem animals to each day and month of the calendar. Such a totem tattoo designates the energy of creativity of a particular Time. To a certain extent, this is an analogue of the signs of the zodiac. The calendar contains not only animals, but also natural phenomena, plants, a house and others.

How to choose a totem?

There are several ways to identify your totem animal:

  1. Based on the calendar, each person has their own animal.
  2. Performing magical rituals.
  3. Following signs showing which totem has chosen you.
  4. Using meditation.
  5. See in a dream.

The totem reflects the inner essence of a person, his hidden abilities and qualities, therefore it is believed that the totem animal must choose its owner.

Totem tattoo placements

A totem tattoo can be done in black and white or in color, they are suitable for both guys and girls. The place for the tattoo must be chosen commensurate with the size of the image, since there are usually many small details in them.

Photo of totem tattoo on body

Photo tattoo totem on hands

Photo tattoo totem on legs