» Magic and Astronomy » The place where the heart and mind talk, i.e. point of intent - how to regulate it? [Law of Gravity]

The place where the heart and mind talk, i.e. point of intent - how to regulate it? [Law of Gravity]

You're probably thinking to yourself, okay, I know the whole theory of the Law of Attraction and I know what to do and what not to do to make it work. So why does he act with resistance or not at all? Why are desires, although uttered with pure intent and full devotion, not properly fulfilled? So the universe is laughing at me? Is there anything preventing information from me from reaching the source? Or does it come as crooked or incomplete information?

Imagine yourself as a perfectly lubricated energy machine. All parts work flawlessly. The gears rotate, setting the rest of the elements in motion. However, in the last step, the "submit" button is not clicked. Intention goes out into the universe, but distorted, incomplete, too slow or too fast. And the universe responds, as always. But she answers to what he will receive by letter, a not something that is born in the mind of the creator. You get a response to what you send.

Okay, now let's look at the problem with your "submit" button. Because your submit button is the point of intent.

The place where the heart and mind talk, i.e. point of intent - how to regulate it? [Law of Gravity]

Source: www.unsplash.com

What is a point of intent?

We make decisions either with our hearts or with our minds. More often by reason - we like to analyze, rethink and rationalize our decisions. The choice made by the heart seems crazy, illogical, and contrary to generally accepted norms. It seems to us that if we follow our hearts, then we are getting carried away instead of allowing ourselves to have a fact-based decision tree.

Interestingly, usually the mind and heart want two completely different things. They are very rarely in agreement, because there are no decisions that are considered and emotionally made at the same time. The place where these two conflicting energies can be balanced is the distance between the heart and the brain. Not much, but it turns out that it is far. This space is a place for dialogue between what is rational, thoughtful and logical, and intuition, feelings and emotions. Oh, a place for conversations of the heart and mind. The point of intent is exactly halfway along this path. It is he who marks the boundary between mind and heart. This is the epicenter of your energy. It is extremely powerful and can affect absolutely everything from emotions to strength, posture, health, vitality and frequency.

Why is it so important?

The Universe takes the answer precisely from Intention. Intent is your green button that sends a message to the universe. It responds to the vibration of this space where heart and mind collide. As if he was getting the result of this struggle, and not the specific moves of his opponents. When the space of the Point of Intention is not in harmony, and usually it is because the heart and mind are not in harmony, it is difficult to get a balanced and strong vibration.

What happens to an inconsistent signal?

When the signal sent to the Universe is not harmonious and balanced, the Law of Attraction has no chance to manifest itself. We are sending the wrong signals, so the universe will not respond the way we want it to. The reality of the dream may manifest itself, but it is probably difficult, incomplete, not quite the way we would like it to be. In addition, with a shaky point of intention, we may feel bad, we may have physiological ailments, a bad mood, a depressive mood. No wonder, because two extreme energies seethe in us, one high and pure, and the other lower, mundane.

How can I change my point of intent?

Fortunately, you can influence and balance the harmony in your Point of Intention by sending a coherent message to the Universe.

  1. Meditate on disharmony.
  2. Find a point of intent in your body. Feel it for yourself.
  3. Now feel and understand the two different energies. What drives them?
  4. Resolve your inner conflict and equalize the two opposing forces.
  5. If reason and rational thinking prevail in something, transform the request or question.


When you operate in accordance with the Law of Attraction and want it to work with you, which allows you to manifest what vibrates with your vibration, keep the point of Intention clear.

Note: If your mind says no and your heart is breaking, you will not find peace in your Point of Intention. Make a wish so you don't feel rejected or inadequate. If necessary, talk to yourself and break down the problem into the main factors. Get to the root and core of the problem. Often our unconscious fears are really just another story that we need to rewrite. If we feel right and at ease with the decision (LIGHT is the key word!), then there is no struggle at the Point of Intention, but there is balance.

Take care of your balance. This will not only elevate your manifestation of reality to a higher level, but it will also help you feel good, be healthier, and experience life with your whole self.

Nadine Lu