» Symbolism » Occult Symbols » 40 satanic symbols and their meaning

40 satanic symbols and their meaning

Kabbalistic tetragram

Kabbalistic tetragram

Kabbalistic tetragram. The Kabbalistic tetragram (hexagram) or the Masonic "Solomon's seal" therefore depicts the devil as an equilateral triangle, equal to the first, but only with its apex downwards, not upwards, thereby denoting the complete opposite of Satan - God. Used to summon evil spirits to the center of a hexagon drawn on the ground.

Kabbalistic tetragram 2

Kabbalistic tetragram 2

Kabbalistic tetragram. The following symbol is a type of hexagram and is listed as a large state seal of world Freemasonry. This seal reveals the number 666. There are three corners in the triangle. Three corners - three sixes.

Masonic "Solomon's seal"

Masonic "Solomon's seal"

Masonic "Solomon's seal". Masons and their offshoots of all kinds: theosophists, spiritualists, occultists and many others. others, this symbol is most often referred to as the seal of Solomon. The first is Alpha, i.e. The one who is first, the second is Omega, i.e. person after.



Heartgram. A symbol intended to promote the opposite of love-hate. Often used as a tattoo. The following symbol is a type of hexagram and is listed as a large state seal of world Freemasonry.

Church of satan

Church of satan

Church of Satan. It is a symbol of the Church of Satan in San Francisco. It is also found in The Satanic Bible under the Nine Satanic Commandments. This symbol always speaks of involvement in Satanism.

Cross of disorder

Cross of disorder

The cross of disorder. This symbol was first used by the Romans, who disputed the truth of Christianity. A symbol denoting the denial of Christian values ​​and the divine essence of Christ.



Swastika. The swastika sign itself dates back to ancient times, when this sign was a symbol of the god of fire - Agni. His priests worshiped the sun at sunrise, greeting him with a raise of their right hand. In China, it is known as "Wang Tzu" - the mystical sign "heart of Buddha", "virtue" or "ten thousand."



Pentagram. The five-pointed star is the most important symbol in magic. It is commonly used by witches and sorcerers (WICCA) for White Magic. Among the Kabbalists, it becomes a symbol of the power, omnipotence and autocracy of Reason. Rock bands like to use this symbol.

Letter G

Letter G

The letter G. The letter G, inscribed on the wall or in the center of the flaming star, is the invariable belonging of each Masonic lodge. She was a symbol of a person emitting a mysterious light from herself, and thus established this wonderful emblem.

Scout sign - lily

Scout sign lily

The scout sign - a lily decorated with two pentagrams - scouting arose at the initiative of Baden-Powell, a member of the Scottish Ritual Lodge. In addition, the so-called full scout badge contains the Masonic motto “Be ready”, and the ribbon on which these sacramental words are depicted is decorated with a Masonic knot.



Velvet. An inverted pictogram that forms the head of a goat. It is on the cover of The Satanic Bible. This is a rather serious symbol and almost always indicates involvement in Satanism.

Barchometer 2

Barchometer 2

Another symbol of Baphomet. Aleister Crowley wore this symbol and was also worn by 33-degree founder Albert Pike of the Freemasons. The sign of Baphomet, as a symbol of Satanism, began to be used only after the appearance of the Church of Satan and the release of the Satanic Bible. Visually, this symbol looks simple, but spiritually it has a special meaning.

Eye of Horus - all-seeing eye

Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is the all-seeing eye. One of the few symbols related to Lucifer (as his followers also call him - the king of hell). What is shown in the picture? Below the eye is a trickling tear, because he mourns those beyond his influence. In addition to the image of one eye, there is an amulet of the eye of horus with hands holding the bow of life or a rod in the form of a papyrus.

All-seeing eye

All-seeing eye

All-seeing eye. It is believed to be the eye of Lucifer, and those who claim to have control over the world's finances. Used in divination. Witches and all similar magicians have worked through this emblem. It is also a symbol of the Illuminati. Look at the US dollar bill and you will find this mountain with an eye there. This is the foundation of the New World Order.

The symbol of St. Andrew's Freemasonry

The symbol of St. Andrew's Freemasonry

In the symbols of St. Andrew's Freemasonry, the eagle means the fearlessness of free masons and the royalty of their art, and the sword means warfare. The crown means a symbol of royal power, and the sword means strength and justice. This is the Russian coat of arms, converted into the style of a mason.

Compass and square

Compass and square

The compass and the square are one of the most common Masonic symbols. The compass is a symbol of the universality of the Masonic society. The square is a symbol of law and conscience. This is the interpretation of symbols in John's Freemasonry, but already in Andreev's - the compass symbolizes eternity, and the whole sign is a hexagram. This symbol can be found often in modern society.

Medieval Masonic Lodge Badge

Medieval Masonic Lodge Badge

Medieval Masonic lodges sign. The next symbol represents the sign of the medieval Masonic lodges, the number 4 is the symbol of the lodge. On the sides of the sign are the letters I and B, i.e. Joachim and Boaz. This symbol is practically not found in modern Freemasonry.

Graphic representation of the word "lodge"

Graphic representation of the word "lodge"

Graphic representation of the word "lodge". “The lodge is a symbol of the universe and, at the same time, a perfect human life. Entering it, the layman must die to the world and be resurrected again in Freemasonry. " In the interpretation of Lenoir, which he applied to the legend of Hiram, "... the bed is a symbol of the earth, and its member is the son of Osiris and Isis."

- Point in a circle

BINDU - Point in a circle

This symbol is used in occultism, magic (as perfect perfection), freemasonry. The circle with a dot in the center represents the complete cycle and renewed perfection, the resolution of all possibilities in existence. It is also a BINDU symbol. Bindu is the subtle center from which this structure grows. Bindu is the original source from which the chakras manifest themselves.

Black mass

Black mass

The Black Mass is a Satanic rite, the antipode of the Christian liturgy, primarily the profanation of the Eucharist. The Black Mass differs in that it is performed in full, or in parts, in reverse order.

Symbol of the modern Knights Templar and the new Scientist sect

Symbol of modern templars

The symbol of the modern Templars and the new sect of Scientists that appeared in America at the end of the last century. The crown is a symbol of supreme enlightenment and wisdom. Another unique symbol of the Knights Templar is the red cross.



Oriflamma - we see the aforementioned symbol both in the works and in the works of Roerich. We see the same sign in the book of Papus "Gennesis and the Development of Masonic Symbols." Such a symbol, as a rule, is not drawn separately, but as part or an element of some kind of symbolic carina or collage.

Oriflame 2

Oriflame 2

Another variant of the Oriflamm symbol. The Star of David is one of the most powerful magical symbols in the mystical teachings of antiquity. However, the real oriflamma was one in which the three points were enclosed not in the Star of David, but in a simple circle.

Campfire brothers

Campfire brothers

The Campfire Brothers are scouts working only under the banner of H.S.M.L. The Roerich cross in the center of our attention is a sign of the approaching, according to the teachings of Theosophists, the era or the era of Agni, the era of cosmic fire. No wonder Vel. East France already has an Agni lodge, founded on May 14, 1920 in Paris (The Mysteries of Freemasonry, p. 53), symbolized by the swastika, and the ends of the Roerich cross so reminiscent of flames. In the center of the cross are the letters K. B. - Fire Brothers

Trident Symbol

Trident Symbol - Trident symbol

Trident is a symbol of fulfillment among occult groups. There are many options. The word "trident" comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentis: trimaran "three" and dent "teeth". Trident in the Coat of Arms of Ukraine is known as Tryzub, literal translation of "trident". In Greek, Roman and Hindu mythology, it means power and control over the ocean.

Zodiac - Zodiac

Zodiac - Zodiac

The zodiac sign is used in satanic and occult worship. Zodiac signs - 12 sectors of 30 ° each, into which the zodiacal belt is divided in astrology, each of these areas is assigned certain metaphysical properties that play a role in the analysis of horoscopes. This sign can be found on many horoscope calendars.



Ankh. As a symbol of inexhaustible vitality, the ankh sign was applied to the walls of temples, monuments and utensils. Ankh, the Coptic cross, is a symbol that originates from ancient Egypt. It was used as a life-prolonging amulet. The sign was used in the burial of the dead, because they believed that the dead would continue to live, only in another world. E.P. Blavatsky, in her book The Secret Doctrine, described the ANKH symbol as a sign of oath, life and covenant. The gods and pharaohs in the images often held the ankh in their hand or passed it on to people. The sign was granted to those who were acquitted in the Courtroom, which means they received life for "one hundred thousand million years."



The tetragram is a kabbalistic cross. The tracing of this symbol was imposed in the Masonic lodges on the forehead of the initiated disciple by the Master of this lodge, who initiated the neophyte into the next step of the Masonic pyramid. This is a symbolic blessing on the thorny path of the newly initiated Mason into a new mystery.



Anarchy. Symbolizes the denial of all laws. Originally a symbol for "punk rock", but now it is also used in Satanism. This image can be seen on the walls in almost every city.

Neuron's Cross

Neuron's Cross

Neuron Cross. Also known as the "symbol of peace" (pacifism). It is a symbol of the inverted and then broken cross of Jesus Christ. Denotes hatred and contempt for Christianity. Some people wear this symbol without even knowing what it means.

Aquarian Star - Aquarius Star

Aquarian Star - Aquarius Star

Aquarius Star. The Star of Aquarius symbol (Unicursal Hexogram) is the coat of arms of the Keepers of Knowledge, a symbol of the greatest magic and power. The symbol is presented in the form of a six-pointed star, in some cases surrounded by two circles. The symbol is a bit like the head of a goat - Satan, which hard rock musicians like to draw.

Triscele - Trisili


Triscele (Trisili). This symbol is the Celtic version of the Chinese Yin-Yang (TAO) symbol. It was believed that this is the symbol of the "Celtic goddess" which showed her three faces.

TAO (Yin and Yang)

TAO (Yin and Yang)

TAO. The ancient Chinese symbol was originally used to represent polarity, holism, and magic. Chinese symbol TAO: Yin and Yang are two opposites that are present in all beings, substances, natural phenomena.

Mark of the Beast 666

Mark of the Beast 666

The mark of the beast. Indicates the sign of the beast and the number of the Antichrist (666) according to the book of Revelation. “It takes wisdom! He who is endowed with reason, let him calculate the number of the beast, because this is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Revelation 13:18) "

Mark of the Beast FFF

Mark of the Beast FFF

Another version of the mark of the beast 666. The letter F is the sixth letter of the English alphabet. This is a veiled version of the number of the beast and the sign of the antichrist. There is little information about this symbol.

23 The number of the secret society of the Illuminati.

Number 23

23 is the number of the secret society of the Illuminati. This is the number of members of the Sanhedrin. The number 23 is the Kabbalistic symbol of completion. 23 characters (letters and numbers) are visible on US coins. In I-ching, 23 means to break. There is probably some other hidden meaning of this symbol that we do not know about.

Inverted cross

Inverted cross

The origin of this symbol is associated with the church tradition that the Apostle Peter was crucified on the cross upside down at his own request, because he considered himself unworthy to die the same death that Jesus Christ died. Often referred to as the "Southern Cross". Symbolizes hatred and mockery of the cross of Jesus Christ.Inverted cross 2



Lightning. Means Satan according to Eb. Luke 10:18, "He said to them, I saw Satan saved from heaven like lightning." Also known as the Satanic S. An attribute of all blacksmith gods such as Hephaestus, Vulcan and Thor. Thunder is the voice of the heavenly gods, and lightning is their weapon, destroying snakes and spiritual opponents and symbolizing divine wrath.

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones is a secret society. The human skull and the bones crossed under it / Is both a symbol of death and fearlessness in front of her face. Skull and bone symbolism was used by ancient priests and priestesses around the world, from the Maya in Central America to the Etruscans in Europe. On some icons, the crucifixion is depicted with a skull and bones at the foot and serves as a reminder of death on the cross.

Two fingers up gesture

Two fingers up gesture

The gesture has many meanings. a) An alternative gesture that forms the head of a goat, a general symbol of Satanism. If you point down with two fingers, it means that Satan is imprisoned in hell and will not be able to harm people. But if two fingers are raised up - this is a symbol of the devil's triumph, the victory of evil over good. b) During the Second World War, Winston Churchill popularized this sign to denote victory, but for this the hand is turned with its back to the speaker. If, with this gesture, the hand is turned with the palm towards the speaker, then the gesture acquires an insulting meaning - “shut up”. c) During the Hundred Years War, the French cut off the captured archers two fingers, with which they pulled the bowstring. And the lucky owners of the full set of fingers teased their enemies by showing "V" with their hand turned with the palm towards themselves. The French considered this gesture insulting to themselves. So this sign is still considered indecent in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand ...Two fingers up gesture 1

Satanic greeting

Satanic greeting

Satanic greeting. Hand with folded fingers in the form of goat horns: The greeting is known among Satanists as the "Satanic Salutation." Young people thus raise their hands during rock concerts. Forms the head of a goat, a common symbol of Satanism. It is located on the reverse side of the "Satanic Bible". There is information that this gesture is not only among Satanists, this gesture is so in the Orthodox faith, it is found in the east (in Buddhism), and so it is a gesture from the evil eye (in the same way you can jinx someone).

Satanic greeting - photo