» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the eagle tattoo

The meaning of the eagle tattoo

The images of birds occupy a special place in the art of tattooing. They are related to the culture and mythology of various countries, which influenced the significance and symbolism of these creatures in the modern world.

In this article, we will find out the meaning of the eagle tattoo, learn about the legends and traditions associated with a proud and powerful bird.

Eagle symbolism in modern tattoo culture

Images of this proud and free bird are most often found on the bodies of men, but girls also sometimes choose such drawings in order to emphasize their individuality or demonstrate certain character traits.

The meaning of the eagle tattoo depends to a large extent on what kind of person became its owner, and what meaning he decided to put into it.

In most cases, an eagle tattoo carries a positive meaning and serves as an expression of important and valuable human qualities in the modern world:

  • Courage, determination, fearlessness, protection... The male eagle tattoo on the shoulder is the best way to show the representative of the stronger sex, inside which the soul of a true protector and warrior is burning with bright fire.
  • Power, strength, pride, might... Located on the chest, the eagle tattoo means that its owner is ambitious and domineering. This drawing can become a talisman for those who will not stop until they reach the top, reach the highest mark, the limit of their capabilities, proclaiming themselves the king of heaven.
  • Swiftness, perseverance, confidence... The drawing, in which the eagle's wings are predatory upward, and its sharp claws are ready to attack, is suitable for people who are ready, even in a fierce struggle, to defend their opinions, rights and priorities, and will never give up their worldview or their own ideas.
  • Freedom, independence, inspiration... For a person who appreciates personal space, freedom of thought and action, self-sufficient and independent, a soaring eagle tattoo would be an ideal option. Indeed, often we ourselves come up with limitations and obstacles, and for a free bird flying in the sky, there are no obstacles.
  • Aspiration, improvement, skill... The image of an eagle on the back means that its bearer is a purposeful person, he is ready to improve himself, identify and eliminate his shortcomings, and if he takes up any business, he will not just bring it to the end, but will strive for the ideal result of his work.

Ideas and styles

An extraordinary, interesting idea can be an illustration of the struggle of an eagle with a jaguar or a panther in the oriental style. With the help of this style, it is possible on a large scale, in bright colors, to display on the human body the eternal duel of the heavenly and earthly principles, which these animals became personified. Two predators merged in a deadly embrace - this is a picture that will delight and admiration for everyone who stops their eyes on it. Oriental tattoos are distinguished by their rather large sizes and intricate patterns, which not only serve as a background, but create a unique atmosphere and energy of the picture.

Realism can be called the traditional style for depicting animals. No one can resist the incredibly realistic, sharp, studying eagle gaze. Wherever the tattoo is located, on the arm or on the leg, a professional master working in this direction, using the most modern artistic techniques and methods, will be able to convey all the texture, halftones and shadows, all the glare of light and play in the eyes of a wise and powerful bird.

In New School, eagles are often depicted in combination with the American flag, anchors, inscriptions and other paraphernalia. The crisp, bold contours and rich colors make the tattoo visible even from afar. Without much effort, every person passing by will be able to understand everything you wanted to say by choosing a similar picture.

A very original and bold solution will be an illustration of an eagle in watercolor. Carelessness of lines and strokes, spontaneous chaotic splashes, mixing of shades and half-tones give the picture lightness, serenity, and the contemplator is given a feeling of freedom and ease.

Photo of eagle tattoo on body

Photo of eagle tattoo on hand

Photo of eagle tattoo on leg