» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of a scorpion tattoo

The meaning of a scorpion tattoo

The scorpion tattoo attracts with double-digit symbolism and mystery.

Our article and wonderful photos with sketches will help you choose the right size, style and color scheme for your wearable picture.

Ancient peoples treated a dangerous insect with fear and respect, with the help of its poison they killed and cured diseases, warriors frightened enemies. In legends, scorpions were the bodyguards of Isis (the goddess of fertility and motherhood), helped by Selket (the patroness of the dead).

The meaning of a scorpion tattoo

In many peoples, the insect was sacred, its image was applied to edged weapons and used as a talisman from evil spirits.

  • Scorpio is a symbol of doctors. Young mothers prayed to the goddess Isis to reduce the pain of women in labor, to protect babies from diseases. The insect personified maternal self-sacrifice. Noticing that the venom of a predator can paralyze limbs, they began to use it in surgery. Chinese doctors treated purulent wounds with poison, used them as a pain reliever. In Tibet, an arthropod animal was considered a symbol of health.
  • Warriors applied scorpion tattoos to their bodies in order to be as strong, persistent, dexterous, inconspicuous, decisive. He was patron saint of brave and courageous individuals, a symbol of belligerence, lethality and vindictiveness. The insect was valued for justice, because it could kill and return to life if a person deserved recovery. Among the peoples of North America, the predator was a judge in the afterlife, deciding what punishment a person should suffer after death. In Egyptian mythology, he guarded the rest of the dead. He was symbolized with fearlessness. The ancient peoples believed that the onset of autumn was associated with a poisonous predator. Every year he managed to bite the sun, after which it ached and did not warm the earth well. In the army, a scorpion tattoo indicates a person who served in the ground forces or fought in the Caucasus. A picture with raised and open pincers and a tail - a soldier participated in hostilities, with closed ones - he just served. Those who fought in hot spots fill a drawing with a sight, you can often find a blood group near the image. Mostly army tattoos are applied to the left shoulder blade, but are found on the shoulder and chest.
  • Scorpio was a messenger of death and a supporter of dark forces. It is believed that Artemis created this poisonous insect in order to use its sting to kill the giant Orion. Since then, it began to symbolize pain, hatred, death, envy, betrayal. Often he was depicted on medieval canvases in order to enhance the negative qualities of a person. In Christianity, he was personified with the devil. On the territory of the prison, a picture of a poisonous creature means loneliness (a person has spent more than one year in solitary confinement), or the criminal may be dangerous to society. If the pincers of the insect are raised up, then the person is addicted to drugs, down - he no longer takes.
  • Scorpion tattoo - amulet against diseases and negative energy. In Tibet, the image of an insect was applied to swords and knives to protect themselves in battle and to win. Seven individuals protected the goddess Isis from the evil god Set. According to legend, the scorpion man guarded the sunrise, was a symbol of joy and enlightenment. In Babylon, a similar creature was depicted with a stretched arrow at the entrance to the house. The insect's skeleton is strong and powerful enough, therefore it symbolizes defense and protection.
  • The body picture of a scorpion in Japan personifies love, wisdom, fidelity, conjugal devotion, especially if the insect is depicted with a lotus. In China, he was considered a symbol of justice and morality. However, some personalities apply an image in honor of any event: a reminder of an unhappy love, the betrayal of a best friend, or after revenge. Often the scorpion sign denotes increased sexuality and jealousy.

The meaning of a scorpion tattoo

Scorpion tattoo features

The body image is often performed in black or gray (monochromatic) color, sometimes a second pigment (often brown or red) is added in the area of ​​the legs, claws or tail. Drawings can be small or on the whole back. Looks good in tribal styleas well as Celtic, Polynesian, abstract... The image of an insect looks interesting, which consists of numerous geometric shapes. Wearable pictures are mesmerizing and impressive if applied in a realistic style, when the master draws each element. You can focus on one detail: claws, tail, sting.

If you draw an insect with its paws raised above its head, using bright colors, then the image will symbolize dexterity, courage, determination. Monochromatic designs with closed and straight claws, a rounded tip of the tail - fairness, tranquility, poise. If the claws are small, and the sting is impressive in its size, then the insect personifies power, determination, and the anticipation of victory. Individuals with large claws, but small tails do not threaten anything. If a scorpion tattoo is on the shoulder, but the tail is extended to the neck, then the person is balanced and calm until he is touched. The red or orange shade of the underwear picture indicates the aggressiveness of the wearer.

Great value depends on the location of the scorpion tattoo. On the leg, it is better to use the image of an insect in a protective pose. Here the picture indicates the strength and power of the owner. Individuals with an extreme and extraordinary character apply a pattern with open claws on the neck, it looks beautiful on the girl's ear. Scorpion on the chest represents strength and courageso it is better to use sketches in an attacking way. The tattoo of the scorpion king looks interesting: a thin and black or grayish body, large pointed paws, a brown tint in the tail or sting area.

The scorpion looks interesting when it clings to and pulls the skin with its paws. The image will turn out to be more belligerent and menacing if it is supplemented with a long sword sticking out of the body. It is better for men to pay attention to bright and realistic pictures with numerous small details. The monochromatic plot will also attract attention, when the habitat of insects is depicted with stones, sand, cacti, hills and a month. Such scorpion tattoos look good on the side, back, forearm, and on the arm, leg or shoulder blade, you can depict the imprint of an insect left on stone or sand.

For girls, a picture of a scorpion underwear means independence and seriousness in a relationship. It is advisable to dwell on a black shade and smooth lines, without focusing on the massiveness and detail of the insect. Drawings look interesting and cute in cartoon style, when a terrible poisonous animal turns out to be a pleasant lady with lips, eyes and eyelashes. The outline of a scorpion can be depicted in the form of blue drops of rain or dew, hidden in a rosebud, planted near a stone or in water. The picture will attract attention if you supplement it with hieroglyphs, ribbons with inscriptions. It is not necessary to apply a full-fledged animal, if the girl was born in the month of the scorpion, it is enough to fill Zodiac sign... The tattoo will look good on the arm, leg in the ankle or foot area, on the hand, shoulder. An underwear picture on the stomach, in the bikini area or on the lower back will give the image a femininity, sexuality, sophistication, and will focus on the plasticity of the body. It is advisable to select sketches of the drawing carefully in order to highlight the inner strength, and not to look too masculine.

Scorpion tattoos will emphasize individuality, hidden opportunities, strong character. At first glance, harmless and small insects are capable of slaying a giant on the spot. Such an image is a sign of a strong and courageous personality. The picture will give the owner the strongest charge of energy.

Places to get a scorpion tattoo

A scorpion tattoo can be placed on various parts of the body, depending on the preference and symbolic meaning for the person. Here are some of the popular places to place a scorpion tattoo:

  1. Shoulder: A scorpio tattoo on the shoulder can be a stylish and expressive choice. It can be made in various styles and sizes, allowing you to create a unique look.
  2. Small of the back: A scorpio tattoo on the lower back can be a sexy and mysterious choice. It can symbolize strength, danger and intrigue.
  3. Shoulder blade: A scorpion tattoo on the shoulder blade can be a dramatic and impressive choice. It can symbolize protection, resilience and vigilance.
  4. Forearm: A scorpion tattoo on the forearm can be an original and stylish choice. It can be made in various styles and colors, which allows you to create a unique and memorable image.
  5. Breast: A scorpio tattoo on the chest can be a strong and masculine choice. It can symbolize strength, resilience and determination.
  6. Back: A scorpio back tattoo can be large and detailed, creating an impressive look. It can symbolize danger, protection and strength.

Overall, the choice of placement for a scorpion tattoo depends on individual preference and the symbolic meaning that a person wants to put into their tattoo. However, it is important to take into account the anatomical features and comfort when wearing a tattoo in the chosen place.

Photo of scorpion tattoo on head

Photo of scorpion tattoo on body

Photo of a scorpion tattoo on his hands

Photo of scorpion tattoo on leg

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