» Star tattoos » Jack Sparrow tattoos

Jack Sparrow tattoos

Jack Sparrow on the shin
Jack Sparrow in a red shin bandana

Jack Sparrow is a well-known character in the Pirates of the Caribbean series of films. The role of this adventurous hero, famous for his crazy character, went to Johnny Depp. The captain, who is the main character of the films, has a specific appearance, manner of dressing. He also has many tattoos on his body. The actor liked some so much that he decided to transfer them from the screen to life.

Swallow tattoo

On the captain's hand you can see a bird against the backdrop of the setting sun. Many sincerely believe that this is the sparrow, which gave the nickname to the hero. However, it is not. The tattoo depicts a swallow, which can be understood by the forked tail of the bird.

Jack Sparrow tattoosJack Sparrow tattoo on arm

It was this tattoo that the celebrity decided to transfer into her life. Johnny Depp made a similar tattoo by changing the direction of the bird's flight. Now she is heading towards the actor. Also, the sketch was supplemented with the name Jack. This is not only a reference to the famous role of the actor, but also a diminutive nickname for the son of Johnny. Therefore, the direction of flight was changed. The actor explains this by the fact that no matter how far the son goes from the family, they are always waiting for him back.

A tattoo depicting a swallow belongs to the sea. They were often depicted on the body by those who were engaged in ships and sea voyages. It also has a number of meanings:

  • A symbol of insolence and danger. It was these nimble birds that were considered in China as harbingers of trouble. Tattoos with their images were applied by those who often faced dangerous situations. It was believed that this bird personifies all decisive people who are able to take risks;
  • Home. In Japan, comfort was associated with swallows. It was believed that these birds make nests that can be compared with a family hearth.

Jack Sparrow tattoosJack Sparrow tattoo

Inscriptions and poem

On the body of Jack Sparrow, you can see a large amount of text. This tattoo is a quote from a poem by Max Ehrmann. An interesting fact is that the action of the film takes place long before the author of the text was born. However, there is an opinion that the author of the lines are people from the 17th century, but this is not confirmed by anything. The tattoo is a series of lines made in italics in the native language. The meaning of this kind of sketch is hard to imagine. To do this, you need to know the translation of the poem.

Jack Sparrow tattoosAnother angle of Jack Sparrow tattoos

The very name of the work can be translated as the phrase "what is missing." The poem is a series of advice, among which one can find one that relates to behavior with people. The author also recommends that you remain yourself and not adapt to other people's norms and rules. Tellingly, this very accurately emphasizes the behavior of Jack Sparrow throughout the film.

Also in the text there is advice about lying, caution in business and the pursuit of fame. All these recommendations can be considered the mottos of the hero. Therefore, it becomes clear why the directors settled on this particular work.

Jack Sparrow tattoosJack Sparrow with Polynesian tattoo

Actor tattoos

When choosing Jack Sparrow's clothes, the fact that the actor had a lot of tattoos on his body that needed to be hidden was also taken into account. For example, several tattoos emphasize that the actor has Indian ancestors. Such images include the figure of a representative of this nationality, located on the actor's bicep. Also on the body of Johnny Depp there is a snake, which is considered a symbol of the Indians for its wisdom and cunning.

In addition, the actor, like his hero from the film, also has text tattoos on his body. One of the inscriptions spoke of love for Winona Ryder, ex-wife. However, after the break, the actor slightly tweaked the sketch, removing part of the name of his beloved.