» Star tattoos » Basta's tattoos

Basta's tattoos

Vasily Vakulenko, which is exactly what Bastu is called in life, is a famous Russian rapper, famous for his unusual and semantic texts. He also performs under the pseudonym Noggano. In addition to the main creative path, the rapper also has experience in radio broadcasting. Vasya Vakulenko had a hand in the creation of several clips. The celebrity is known as an extraordinary person. Therefore, it does not surprise anyone that the tattoos on Bast are also striking in their originality. Even the usual inscription is framed by him as an interesting tattoo.

Tattoos in the form of inscriptions

Noggano has two lettering in italian. The very fact that the tattoo uses a language that is not native to a celebrity speaks of her desire to hide her thoughts from others. The letters are made clearly, without excessive curlicues. One of the inscriptions is translated as the phrase "who, if not me." According to the rapper, this is his motto in life. In his compositions, Vakulenko partly uses the message conveyed by this tattoo. On the other hand is the inscription "I'm walking with God!". There are no comments about the meaning of this kind of tattoo from a celebrity. However, there are suggestions that this is another philosophy of the musician, which he transfers to his lyrics.

Basta's tattoosBasta with tattoos on his arm

Later, the tattoo was supplemented with original shields covering Basta's hands. Armor, armor and their components, chosen as the basis for the tattoo, talk about the sentimental nature of a person. Only a strong personality inflicts such an image. Shields are quite a powerful tattoo. A celebrity could also choose her as a talisman, which is important for public people.

Basta's tattoosBasta's tattoos: another angle

Monkey is a musician

There is a very funny image on Basta's leg. On the tattoo is a monkey, which firmly holds the microphone in its paw. This sketch is quite symbolic. Noggano himself was born in the year of the monkey, so the choice of animal is predictable. Since he spends his whole life with music, he provided the protagonist of the tattoo with a microphone.

However, in addition to this subtext, there are other interpretations of the monkey tattoo. For example, this the animal is associated with lightness and cunning. However, people who choose this creature as a talisman are not capable of evil. They often have many friends in their environment. Often worried about trifles. They are also very intelligent animals, which are considered the progenitors of humans.

Basta's tattoosBasta's tattoos on the arm and leg

The microphone, of course, is directly related to music. This kind of tattoo is chosen by people who are closely associated with this area. The microphone itself can also speak of openness, the desire to speak out, to prove one's case. Such a tattoo is not used by secretive people who prefer to remain silent.

Basta's tattoosBasta has tattoos on his arms in the form of numbers

two pistols

On the shoulder of the rapper is a weapon, namely two revolvers. This is a direct reference to the stage name Vakulenko. The number of weapons speaks of the double letter "G" used in the pseudonym.

A weapon made on a man's body can talk about aggression. However, such people are not prone to betrayal. It is easier for them to solve the case with a fight than to intrigue and take revenge.

Also, the tattoo with the image of pistols says the desire to prove one's masculinity. Bringing this attribute of a warlike person to public view, Basta most likely wanted to emphasize his decisiveness. Such a gesture common to many young people.

The revolvers chosen as the basis for the tattoo are not without elegance. The very fact that the sketch is black and white speaks of the modesty of its owner.

According to Vasya Vakulenko's tattoos, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • The rapper is a fairly open person, he is probably surrounded by many friends;
  • Basta is not capable of betrayal, although he is a rather hot person.