» Tattoo meanings » Photos tattoos lettering trash polka

Photos tattoos lettering trash polka

As with any art, there are various styles here as well. For people who stuff numerous tattoos on their bodies, it has become not enough that they simply apply another drawing or inscription to themselves.

To once again challenge society and ride against the tide, they came up with a new style called "trash polka". Recently, it has become quite popular in Europe.

This "trash" style is both repelling and appealing to tattoo lovers. Such tattoos made in this style carry some rather unpleasant things. Such as death, vulgarity, horror.

Attracting a lot of attention to itself, the tattoo is applied in black and red paint. No matter what part of the body such a tattoo is applied to, it will simultaneously delight and terrify others.

Only strong enough people can decide on such an extraordinary tattoo. Accustomed to being out of the crowd. Who will not pay attention to the sidelong glances of others.

Photo tattoo inscription trash polka on the body

Photo tattoo inscription trash polka on hand