» Tattoo meanings » What is partak

What is partak

In the next article, we will talk about what is a "partak" in a tattoo? Who makes such tattoos, what do they mean and how does the "partak" differ from the "portac"?

What is a Partak tattoo?

Initially, partaks were invented in places of serving sentences as small tattoos - signs that distinguished prisoners by status, rank, and the number of years spent in the colony. The word “partak” itself is translated from prison jargon as “tattoo”.

Now partakas are minimalist drawings on the body from 1 to 3 cm. They are distinguished by the simplicity of composition, lines, almost no shading and the presence of only one color. Typically, this is a classic black ink.

The classic partak is performed with a simple sewing needle, but some craftsmen use a typewriter, while deliberately giving the tattoo a casual, handmade effect.

How is the partak different from the portac?

Portak is a tattoo made by a non-professional craftsman, with distortion of shapes, colors, with blurred lines. The word "portac" comes from the words "spoil", "screw up".

As a rule, these tattoos show that they were not conceived like that, but simply the law of "expectation and reality" worked in conjunction with the shaking hands of the master.

What does partak tattoo mean for men?

You need to understand that the partak is not a specific drawing, but a style of performance. Small elements have different meanings for everyone.

If the moon is full, then perhaps this tattoo means "light in the dark", if the ring on the finger is power.

The point of the partak-style is to beat any symbols that make sense for the owner of the tattoo.

What does “partak” tattoo mean in women?

Although the origin of the partak tattoo comes from prison, this tattoo is very popular among girls.
Girls often put their own meaning in them.

A heart with a date is an important date, a meeting with a loved one, a palm tree in the sand is a mark of a well-spent vacation.

There can be a huge number of such tattoos on the body, for girls they are like significant dates in a personal diary.

Which tattoo part to choose and where to beat?

Due to its minimalism, the partak looks good on all parts of the body, on the hands, on the fingers, under the knees and even on the forehead.
On the fingers, as a rule, guys hit symbols and letters, less often - rings.

Girls often beat themselves religious signs - a cross, a month, a Star of David, or drawings related to vegetation.

Cartoon characters look stylish on both male and female bodies.

Simple short words are usually hit under the knees.

Partak-style makes it possible to apply absolutely any drawing, both for a man and a woman, but in a simplified form, without complex shadows, different colors. The main thing is the meaning that the drawing carries for its owner, despite the fact that everyone has it completely different.

Photo of tattoo-partak on the head

Photo of tattoo-partak on the body

Photo of a tattoo parka on his hands

Photo of tattoo-partak on the legs