» Tattoo meanings » Tattoo in memory of mom

Tattoo in memory of mom

Tattoos with such a pattern, for the most part, are made by generous and noble children in honor of their benefactor.

The drawing of the mother on the body characterizes her spiritual participation in the life of the owner of the tattoo. She, as it were, by her presence protects her sweet child from disturbing situations and protects him from various difficult events of fate.

Such a tattoo can also be worn by people who left their mother's nest one day, and, by applying a tattoo on their body, express their love and longing for their home.

A tattoo helps them to experience separation from their stepfather's house much easier, thus they feel much more valuable and confident, the upcoming prospect of seeing their family again gives them determination and patience to adapt to new circumstances and not become discouraged.

Meanings of the image of the mother on the body

There are many different variations of a mom tattoo, but the most popular of them is a portrait of a mom. Such a tattoo can characterize a person as a very courageous, interesting person with leadership qualities and a creative approach to everything.

Tattoo in the form of an inscription is much more famous because of its brevity, meaningfulness and frankness of information. This version of the tattoo makes its owner more restrained than the above options, however, such people also greatly love and respect their parent.

Feelings of guilt can also be the underlying reason for choosing a mom tattoo. For the most part, personalities who devote their entire lives to career growth often forget about their family, not spending the proper amount of time at home.

Such a tattoo is an allegory for regret for forever lost time and longing for the family hearth. The reason for applying a tattoo can also be an exacerbation of relations between a person and his mother, namely, conflict situations or a major quarrel. Thus, the tattoo carrier will establish relationships and find a common language.

Photo of tattoo in memory of mom on the head

Photo of tattoo in memory of mom on the body

Photo of a tattoo in memory of mom on her arms

Photo of tattoo in memory of mom on legs