» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the sphinx tattoo

The meaning of the sphinx tattoo

Every person who decides to get a tattoo puts a special meaning in it. It can be a reflection of the inner world, a desire to change life, display of significant dates, events, dear people.

Therefore, the choice of drawing should be approached carefully, because it will remain for life. It is necessary to take into account not only the semantic load, but also the size suitable for the place chosen for pricking.

If you study the sketches of sphinx tattoos, you will notice that the back, shoulder, forearm are suitable for such images - a large surface that gives space and allows you to display small details.

There are several options for a sphinx tattoo that have different meanings.

The meaning of the sphinx tattoo

The first association that comes to everyone's mind at the word Sphinx is the Egyptian statues. In fact, there are several different mythological animals, the image of which has different meanings.

  1. The Egyptian Sphinx was depicted with a human head, the body of a lion, and the tail of a bull. The face belonged to a great ruler or pharaoh. Such sphinxes were installed at the tombs of these important people as a guardian. It symbolized monumentality, tranquility, the protection of the secrets and secrets of the ruler. Carrying them through the millennia, they linked the present with the future. Such a tattoo will add mystery and wisdom to its owner.
  2. The Greek Sphinx is outwardly different from the Egyptian, it has a female head and a dog's body with bird's wings. It was this mythical animal that asked a question that no one could answer and lost his life for it. The meaning of the image is also different - it symbolizes the dark side, destruction, demons. The image of this sphinx on the body will give aggression and strength to the owner.
  3. The Assyrian Sphinx is depicted with a beard, and each part of it has a separate meaning, together collecting qualities that need to be nurtured. The head is a repository of knowledge, a beard speaks of wisdom, wings symbolize inspiration, flight, lion's paws and claws speak of strength, courage, determination, bull sides call for work, perseverance, patient silence. Such a tattoo with a sphinx will strengthen the necessary qualities, give wisdom, stamina, and diligence. Shows the rich inner world of the owner.

Sphinx cat tattoo

Pet tattoos are quite popular. Some want to capture the image of their beloved pet, some put a special meaning in the tattoo. Sphinx cat tattoo combines mythological symbolism and feline. She transfers her feline qualities to the owner - cunning, caution, gentleness, hunting instincts. It also protects against magical influences, the evil eye, and slander.

Suitable for girls cat tattoo, reflecting the gracefulness and curves of the lines of this animal. The tattoo will emphasize the elegance and plasticity of its owner. For men, an aggressive image that reflects hunting instincts, strength and courage is suitable.

Photo of sphinx tattoos will help you determine the style and place for it. You can make a drawing like in black and white, and in color. We advise you to carefully choose your body part. Such tattoos contain many small details that cannot be accurately displayed in a limited area.

Photo of the sphinx tattoo on the body

Photo of a sphinx tattoo on the arm

Photo of a sphinx tattoo on the leg