» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of a samurai tattoo

The meaning of a samurai tattoo

For the Russian man in the street, samurai are known as magnificent warriors, masterfully wielding their swords and the art of hand-to-hand combat.

In fact, this concept has a deeper essence, based on the code of honor of the samurai, which is called "Bushido", which means the way of the warrior.

To put on your body the image of a Japanese warrior means to fully adhere to and respect the rules and traditions that the samurai lived by.

A samurai mask tattoo, or the warrior himself in his fearsome enemy armor, symbolizes all those qualities that a true samurai should have. The main of all life principles that more accurately characterize the samurai are the following:

  • selfless devotion;
  • physical perfection;
  • independence and love of freedom;
  • reverence for the traditions of ancestors;
  • iron spirit and will;
  • loyalty to loved ones and much more.

Also, a samurai tattoo symbolizes a person's choice of the right path and endless dedication to any idea... More often than not, this idea has positive colors - the bright side of life.

The meaning of a samurai tattoo

History of samurai tattoo

The history of samurai tattoos is rooted in Japanese culture and history. Samurai, Japanese warrior aristocrats, were a symbol of courage, honor and loyalty. Their lifestyles and philosophies of life greatly influenced Japanese art and traditions, including the art of tattooing.

Samurai tattoos, known as "bushido", had a deep meaning and symbolized the samurai's code of honor. The tattoos depicted bushido ideals such as courage, loyalty, honesty, honor and selflessness. Images of samurai on the body could also serve as a monument to ancestors and a symbol of protection from troubles and misfortune.

Interest in samurai tattoos also exists in modern culture. They are often associated with the spirit of martial arts, as well as strong character and confidence. Samurai tattoos can be done in a variety of styles, from classic Japanese to more modern interpretations, while maintaining their symbolic and aesthetic value.

The meaning of a samurai tattoo

Despite the fact that the meaning of a samurai tattoo is intricate and diverse, like the entire life philosophy of a Japanese warrior, a short formulation of the essence will look like this: dedication to family and life ideals Other features of this tattoo include the following: location (the tattoo should be pricked on the back or in the abdomen).

In Japan itself, only a select few, the most significant members of the Yakuza group, have the right to wear the image of a samurai on their bodies.

Another feature that a samurai tattoo has is its high performing complexity, which requires maximum professional qualifications from the master.

The rich abundance of colors and shades, the emotions of a warrior and the precise detailing of the armor, performed by the master at work, make this tattoo one of the most difficult. Restrained beauty and severity, deep meaning and philosophical power, this tattoo belongs to the category of men.

People with great fortitude, people of honor, faithful to their life principles, quite often choose symbols as a tattoo, one way or another associated with samurai. To make a samurai tattoo on the body for fun or for the sake of fashion and aesthetic appeal is not worth it. it tattoo for men, strong in body and spirit.

Where do samurai tattoos go?

Samurai tattoos can be applied to various parts of the body, depending on the preferences and aesthetic goals of the wearer. Here are some common places where samurai tattoos are often placed:

  1. Arm and Shoulder: The image of a samurai on the arm or shoulder can be detailed and expressive. This is a popular place for tattoos as they are easily visible and can be easily hidden if necessary.
  2. Back: A samurai tattoo on the back can be a large and impressive design. This place allows you to create a detailed and emotionally rich image.
  3. Breast: The image of a samurai on the chest can be symbolic and strong, emphasizing courage and strength. This place is popular among those who want to express their strength and determination.
  4. Hip: A samurai tattoo on the thigh can be an elegant and feminine decoration that emphasizes the beauty and grace of the body.
  5. Leg: A samurai on the leg can be stylish and dramatic. This place allows you to create an expressive and memorable image.
  6. Shoulder: A samurai tattoo on the shoulder blade can be small and subtle, making it a suitable choice for those who want to subtly express their love of Japanese culture and samurai history.

The choice of location for a samurai tattoo depends on the style and goals of the wearer, as well as the size and detail of the image.

Photo of samurai tattoo on body

Photo of samurai tattoo on hand

Photo of a samurai tattoo on the leg

Samurai tattoos meaning and design ideas