» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the lynx tattoo

The meaning of the lynx tattoo

Representatives of the feline family have long and firmly established themselves in the culture of tattooing. Both women and men adorn their bodies with images of graceful, courageous, strong and dexterous predators. In this article, we will talk about one of these beautiful creatures, how our ancestors treated him, and also find out what the meaning of the lynx tattoo is for girls and guys in the modern world.

What can a lynx tattoo mean in modern society?

The meaning of the picture illustrating the lynx largely depends on the individual qualities of the person and the meaning that is put into the tattoo by the owner himself. This image suits both men and women equally well, and can be located on almost any part of the body.

Now let's take a closer look at what the lynx tattoo means:

  • Prudence, purposefulness, cunning... Lynxes are skilled hunters. They are able to chase their prey for hours, thinking over routes and roads, calculating the strength of the pursued animal and their own. Based on this, a lynx tattoo will suit a person with an analytical mindset, far-sighted and attentive.
  • Caution, secrecy, vigilance... The image of this wild cat characterizes the carrier as a person who does not have the habit of trusting the first person he meets. Such people often lead a rather secretive lifestyle, they have a tendency to carefully consider their actions and analyze the actions of others. You should not try to lie and flatter them - they do not tolerate lies and fawning.
  • Loyalty, reliability, responsibility... A lynx tattoo means that the person wearing it cherishes family and friends, he would rather prefer one constant and trusted partner than look for adventure on the love front. Such conclusions can be drawn from the lifestyle of the predators themselves. They continue their family, choosing one permanent partner, raising their offspring with him, do not allow strangers to the family.
  • Strength, courage, belligerence, possessiveness... Even if the lynx seems outwardly absolutely calm, relaxed and soft, it is at any moment ready to defend what is dear to it, to rush into the attack, defending its territory. Perhaps that is why a lynx tattoo on the shoulder for many becomes a sign of a self-sufficient and strong personality.

Suitable ideas and styles

If you decide to make, for example, a lynx tattoo on your arm, then new school may be a suitable style. Designed in this direction, oval and vertically elongated sketches, which are just right for positioning on this part of the body, look just great. Due to clear contours and bright saturated colors, the tattoo looks more striking, voluminous, textured. In New School, a graceful huntress can be portrayed along with roses, other floral or plant motifs, a dream catcher, a dagger, an ancient amulet or talisman. Such combinations can add to the overall composition an additional meaning that is relevant exclusively to your inner world.

The most common direction for depicting animals is realism. A professional and experienced tattoo artist working in this style can create a true masterpiece of fine art on your skin. Here you can not limit your imagination and choose a sketch illustrating a lynx against the background of a night forest or a starry sky, a predator that wanders along the river in search of prey that has come to a watering hole, or perhaps you want to choose for yourself an image of a wild cat with cubs, which she is ready to defend at the cost of her own life.

Photo of a lynx tattoo on the body

Photo of a lynx tattoo on the arm

Photo of a lynx tattoo on the leg