» Tattoo meanings » Photos tattoo inscriptions about god

Photos tattoo inscriptions about god

At the moment, religion is no longer considered the opium of the people. Most likely, on the contrary, there is an opinion that it is in religion that a person can find all the answers to his questions about the meaning of life.

And although the church zealously opposes that a person decorates, even with divine inscriptions, his mortal body. There are no fewer people who want to get themselves a tattoo on a religious theme.

Such inscriptions as “God with us!”, “Nobody but God!” Are especially popular among people of both sexes. One famous athlete has a large tattoo on his chest "Only God is my Judge!" This inscription speaks of religiosity, and also that this person is strong and self-confident enough, and does not obey anyone but God.

People often treat such tattoos as some kind of amulet that can protect them from evil.

Similar inscriptions are made on various parts of the body. Of course, except for the buttocks, since such inscriptions must be treated with special respect. The phrase can be applied both in large print and in small print.

Photo of tattoo inscriptions about God on the body

Photo of tattoo inscriptions about God on the head

Photo tattoo inscriptions pro god on hands