» Tattoo meanings » Nationalist tattoos

Nationalist tattoos

Nationalist tattoos are not very popular and are not as common as many other types of body painting art.

As a rule, they are chosen for themselves by ideologists and activists of various groups united by the national-patriotic idea.

In a mild form, such a tattoo can mean pride and devotion to one's country, patriotism and loyalty. In a more complex sense, a tattoo depicting German leaders of the middle of the last century may mean adherence to the ideas of National Socialism, fascism.

Their essence boils down to the superiority of one people or race over all others.

In any case, a tattoo is, first of all, an art, and we first of all appreciate the professionalism and skill of the artist.

Unfortunately, due to the new law, if we publish our collection of photographs of nationalist tattoos, these actions will fall under the public display of the attributes of persons associated with the Nazis.