» Tattoo meanings » Photos tattoo lettering for good luck

Photos tattoo lettering for good luck

Have you often met people with a four-leaf clover pattern on their hand? I - very often.

Therefore, I wanted to find out more about the meanings of various tattoos that bring good luck.

Good luck accompanies the brave - such inscriptions are applied to themselves only by very brave people, because this phrase is a real challenge to fate! And after such a challenge, the life of the owner of the tattoo can turn around very abruptly. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that life will begin to test you for strength before giving you good luck!

Be as light as the wind - such an inscription on the skin is carried by people who are light on their feet. It will only inspire those who are always ready to take off. Such a tattoo will only oppress a lazy person and, as it were, "freeze". Be sure to think carefully about your character before tattooing such a phrase.

Through hardship to the stars - the owners of this inscription know like no one else how hard the road to happiness is. They always clearly remember their goal and are ready, as they say, to go over their heads for it.

The best place for such labels would be the edge area. Next to the heart, because it is in it that we can find the strength in ourselves to make our plans come true the way we need them.

Photo of tattoo inscriptions for good luck on the head

Photo of tattoo inscriptions for good luck on the body

Photo of tattoo inscriptions for good luck on the arm