» Tattoo meanings » What does the Lotus tattoo mean?

What does the Lotus tattoo mean?

The meaning of the lotus tattoo originates in ancient oriental religions, which interpreted it according to their canons and basic principles.

But, perhaps, all of them are based on the origin of the plant itself, on the peculiarities of its birth.
It is known that the lotus flower grows mainly in the East in swampy areas, leaving its wide root system far into the muddy water of swamps.

It was this feature of it that made the locals revere this amazing plant, endowing it with mystical, almost divine power.

And it is not surprising, because from dirty, muddy water, a small lotus always appears clean, as if symbolizing virgin purity, resistance to external adverse conditions, refinement and beauty.

But, as they say, the East is a delicate matter, therefore, the meaning of the lotus for the eastern peoples is worth learning in more detail.

What does the Lotus tattoo mean?

Character history

The lotus began to be worshiped for its extraordinary nature and beauty in ancient times. Even the Greeks and Romans knew about the divine mystical power of this fragile flower.

In the modern world, tattoos are increasingly penetrating into the culture of various peoples and countries. However, young people, before decorating their bodies with bright drawings, rarely think about the secret meaning that they carry in themselves. We suggest you understand the meaning of the lotus tattoo before going to the salon, because the tattoo will show off on your body all your life, which means that its choice should be taken responsibly.

What does the Lotus tattoo mean?

So, since now you know that this flower is traditionally attributed to the culture and beliefs of the East, then the designation of the lotus tattoo should be drawn from ancient Eastern religions, in which it is mainly a symbol of the feminine. As a result, it is generally believed that the lotus is more important for girls than for men. But, if we remember that the ancient gods, who often chose the lotus as a throne, were mostly men, then the white lotus tattoo will suit the modern representatives of the stronger sex no less.

So, let's take a closer look at what a lotus tattoo means:

  • Feminine... According to the beliefs of the Hindus, the lotus tattoo means the female womb, is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, femininity, motherhood. Therefore, a girl's lotus tattoo means her beauty, female charm, the desire to give life and love.
  • Harmony. Buddhist monks, meditating in the “lotus position”, achieved enlightenment, they discovered the truths of peace and harmony unknown to mere mortals. Also, a lotus tattoo means the unity of the male and female principles, good and evil, light and dark. Its meaning can be compared to the yin-yang sign, where black flows into white and vice versa. By this, the creators of the ancient symbol wanted to say that without good there is no evil, that the world is not divided into black and white, that it is multifaceted. To emphasize this particular meaning, you can introduce the image of the sign Om into the overall composition.
  • Resurrection from the dead... Representatives of ancient civilizations (Assyrians, Phoenicians) believed that the lotus is able to give life after death, to revive from the dead. They believed that death is not the end, but only the beginning of a new path.
  • Wisdom. Since ancient times, beautiful flowers have been considered a symbol of wisdom, spiritual development, a thirst for self-improvement and the development of talents. Just as this stubborn little plant, putting deep roots into swamp water, overcoming all obstacles, strives for sunlight, so the person, on whose body the lotus flaunts, will, overcoming all life's obstacles and hardships, stubbornly go forward, achieve goals and strive for new knowledge.
  • Cleanliness. The lotus comes out clean and white from the muddy water. It is for this reason that in the old days it was associated with innocence, virginity and purity. So a lotus tattoo on a girl’s hand can mean both physical and spiritual purity, which flourishes despite the corrupting influence of the sinful world that surrounds her. In Japan, for example, this flower is directly associated with chastity.
  • Masculinity... It would seem strange to associate the symbol of the feminine principle with masculinity. But the wise inhabitants of the East do not come up with anything just like that. Growing despite adversity, flourishing despite evil conditions - isn't that courage? However, men, unlike girls, often choose black and white lotus tattoos.

What does the Lotus tattoo mean?

Choosing a place and style of tattoo

You have already decided to get the first (or far from the first) tattoo in your life, but the question remains: on which part of the body will it look better? Since the lotus is the very embodiment of femininity, it will look great on any part of the girl's body: on the stomach, on the leg, even on the lower back. However, it is worth considering the shape of the picture. Small symmetrical tattoo without any additional elements will look good on the neck, wrist, hand, top of the foot or ankle. Large sketches of a vertically elongated shape, supplemented, for example, with an image of an Indian elephant or Japanese carp, will look harmonious on the thigh, lower leg, shoulder, and forearm.

Guys often hit the lotus on the arm or on the back. The flower can be both the main part of the composition and serve as a decorative element in a large-scale tattoo in the oriental style. By itself, the lotus on the body of a man may indicate his multifaceted and sensual nature or religion (the lotus is a generally recognized symbol of Buddhists).

Both among guys and among girls, lotus tattoo in graphics is gradually gaining popularity. The hallmark of this tattoo style is the use of a "rough" shading technique. The technique of performing this style is rather complicated, but also work in graphics look unusual and bold.

Another interesting option for a monochrome tattoo is a lotus in the dotwork style. Such drawings consist of thousands of tiny dots, located at different distances from each other, together they create a truly unique picture.

Watercolor lotuses look gentle and colorful. This style is ideal for depicting colors with soft gradations, bright streaks and occasional paint splashes. Such tattoos really resemble paintings painted in this technique.

What does the Lotus tattoo mean?

Popularity of lotus tattoo

The lotus tattoo, due to its deep symbolism and aesthetic appeal, is extremely popular in the world of tattoos. The lotus is a symbol of spiritual awakening, purity, beauty and rebirth. Its roots go into the mud, and the flower opens on the surface of the water, which symbolizes the process of overcoming difficulties and spiritual growth.

In Eastern philosophy and religion, especially Buddhism and Hinduism, the lotus is considered a sacred symbol. In Buddhism, it is associated with purity of body and mind, as well as the ability to overcome suffering and achieve enlightenment. In Hinduism, the lotus symbolizes the process of spiritual development and transformation.

In Western culture, the lotus tattoo is also popular, attracting attention with its beauty and deep meaning. For many people, it can symbolize a new beginning, rethinking one's life path, or overcoming life's difficulties.

Lotus tattoo designs can range from realistic images to stylized and abstract options. It is often combined with other symbols and elements such as water, koi fish, butterflies or quotes to enhance its symbolic meaning and beauty.

Thus, a lotus tattoo is not only an aesthetically pleasing body decoration, but also carries a deep symbolic meaning that can be individually interpreted by each person in accordance with his spiritual beliefs and life experiences.

Photo of lotus tattoo on head

Photo tattoo lotus on the body

Photo tattoo lotus on the arm

Photo tattoo lotus on the leg

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