» Tattoo meanings » The meaning of the Anubis tattoo

The meaning of the Anubis tattoo

The great civilization of Egypt is so multifaceted and interesting that people around the world are trying to study the secrets and mysteries of ancient culture and architecture. At the same time, connoisseurs of tattoos are trying to understand the symbolism of Egyptian drawings.

Moreover, each drawing has its own deep meaning, the knowledge of which is necessary for those who decide to apply the same picture to their own body.

The meaning of the Anubis tattoo

Today, among modern tattoo lovers, Egyptian mythical characters are especially popular: ankhs, scarabs, the god Ra and others, among which the most mysterious and mysterious is the deity Anubis. Before deciding to apply an Anubis tattoo to your body, you should understand that this is not just a beautiful drawing, but a rather complex, interesting plot that carries a special energy.

After all, the ancient Egyptian god is a symbol, and they, as it is reliably known, carry a strictly defined energy. Accordingly, a person who has such a picture must know what his body drawing symbolizes.

Anubis is one of the mysterious and mysterious Egyptian gods. In ancient mythology, he was assigned the role of the patron saint of dead people, the whole afterlife was in his power. Studying the data of scientific research, many of our contemporaries formed a not very positive opinion about Anubis, believing that even the image of God able to bring negative changes into a person's life.

Nevertheless, there are also such researchers of ancient Egypt who are sure that the meaning of the Anubis tattoo is somewhat exaggerated - after all, in ancient times, this god guarded medicines and poisons.

Therefore, the interpretation of its symbolism can be interpreted in another way - opening the way to something new... Modern anesthesiologists, psychiatrists and psychologists got involved in such a discovery, considering Anubis to be their patron.

What is the best way to portray?

There are various options for the image of the Anubis tattoo. Many fans of body painting know the classic version - God is represented in the form of a man with the head of a jackal or a wolf.

Although today, most tattoo artists offer other compositions in which the god is represented in the form of an animal, accompanied by other accompanying symbols: scales, ankh, wasom, mummy or sekhem.

The most suitable places for drawing an ancient Egyptian god are back, arms and calves... It is quite possible that the owners of such a picture will really become much easier to understand a difficult life situation and choose a really correct way out of it.

Photo of tattoo Anubis on the body

Photo of Dad Anubis on his hands

Photo of Dad Anubis on his feet