» Tattoo meanings » 80 tattoos of bats: designs and meaning

80 tattoos of bats: designs and meaning

The fear we may have of these often misunderstood creatures likely comes from dark caverns around the world. For the first humans, these massive caves were passageways to the underworld, corridors leading to the realm of demons or other supernatural beings sent by the gods to punish and torture sinners. This is the reason why the creatures that inhabit these black holes were seen as an extension of this evil underworld. They were feared and respected to avoid misfortune. Thus, the bat became to symbolize disease, destruction and decay.

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В Oxatan culture, bats were demons, complete anger and jealousy; they were bitter because they did not have magnificent bird feathers. Some tales of Nigerian and Mesoamerican culture contain a tendency for bats to cling to darkness. In these stories, bats always do things that cause great harm to other animals. Because of shame and guilt, these winged creatures hide, staying out of the reach of the prying eyes of light and truth. These stories feed our Western concept of bats and have made them associate with demons, vampires, and everything else that roams the night.

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Some schools claim that bats are the reason women wear hats to attend Mass. An old folk legend speaks of the tendency of this animal to rise from a height to attack the heads of people. And while the poor creatures actually ward off mosquitoes and other insects that buzz around our heads, many people (even today) think that a bare head attracts the devil and his demons. - considering that bats are inextricably linked with the underworld and the crafty one. For this reason many Christian traditions say that women should cover their hair.especially in places of prayer so that demons don't attack their heads.

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But not in all cultures, these creatures are perceived as symbols of evil. In China they are favorable symbols of happiness, longevity and prosperity. In parts of southern Europe, bats are part of the coats of arms and are proudly stamped on some family coats of arms and royal flags. This could explain why Marvel, the creator of the comics, gave birth to the legendary Batman character. These highly social creatures live in large groups and are known for their communication skills. Every night they emerge from the realm of darkness and death, resurrecting and renewing by Mother Nature in the depths of caves like the womb.

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The meaning of bat tattoos


  • Illusion
  • Darkness and evil
  • Intuition
  • Renaissance
  • Communications
  • Trip
  • Prosperity
  • Happiness
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Bat tattoo options

Most of the images of bats have Gothic motifs in their designs. This is mainly due to their mysterious, dark, creepy and generally negative reputation.

1. Tattoos of bats and death

Like twin souls who cross life together, bats and death go hand in hand. Bat and death tattoos are not necessarily gothic or gloomy - they already offer a darker perspective on life itself. Bats have a dual image: both an omen of death and a creature of rebirth and renewal. Bat and death tattoos represent the cycle of life: the ebb and flow of birth and death, as well as the deep meaning of human existence.

2. Bat wings

Wings are instruments of flight, the personification of a free spirit and an uninhibited mind. A bat wing tattoo is essentially a way to express your desire to be free and uninhibited. You identify with the spirit of the dark bat and don't get stuck in a rosy view of the world around you. Although you are vulnerable, you can rise from the depths and ascend to heaven.

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