» Tattoo meanings » 62 chinese tattoos with letters and symbols (and their meaning)

62 chinese tattoos with letters and symbols (and their meaning)

Tattoos usually have a meaning, which is determined either by the image itself or by the reason that prompted the wearer to leave an imprint on their skin.

Chinese symbols have always represented boldness and are among the most famous tattoos in existence. Almost all professional tattooists learn to do this type of tattoo, which requires a great technique: any small change or mistake can change the meaning of the message you want to convey.

The Chinese alphabet has a large number of characters, so it takes some time to find the ones that work best for what you want to convey or wear.

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The meaning of these drawings

Earlier in China, people were forced to do this type of tattoos with more complicated and painful methods, so these people were considered brave and more courageous because they could endure pain. Less painful methods exist nowadays, but the value remains.

In addition to this meaning, we find the meaning conveyed by each message. In this type of tattoos, you can apply one kanji (full word) depicting courage, destiny, harmony; your name or the name of someone you love, or a complete sentence. This is why these tattoos have very different meanings depending on each person tattooed.

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These are tattoos used by both women and men, and the size of which varies depending on the number of kanji used, because the more there are, the larger the tattoo will be, whereas if there is only one tattoo. smaller and more modest.

The history of the appearance of Chinese tattoos with letters and symbols

The history of Chinese tattoos with letters and symbols has quite ancient roots and a rich cultural tradition. Chinese characters, used in writing for thousands of years, have special symbolism and meaning that makes them attractive for tattoos, especially in the context of Eastern wisdom, philosophy and history.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese tattoos began to attract attention outside of China, primarily thanks to sailors, traders and travelers who brought them to Europe and America as exotic decoration or talisman. At this time, tattoos with Chinese characters became a symbol of exoticism and mystery, and were also associated with Eastern wisdom and spirituality.

In the modern world, Chinese letter and symbol tattoos remain popular, although many Chinese view them with some caution due to their historical context and significance. For many people, such tattoos are a way of expressing respect for Chinese culture, history, or simply a symbol of beauty and aesthetics.

Reasons for the popularity of Chinese tattoos with letters and symbols

The popularity of Chinese tattoos with letters and symbols is due to several reasons. Here are some of them:

  1. Exotic and mysterious: Chinese characters and symbols are associated with exoticism and mystery for people not familiar with the Chinese language. This makes such tattoos attractive to those who are looking for a unique and unusual body decoration.
  2. Symbolism and significance: Chinese hieroglyphic characters often carry deep meanings and symbolize qualities, values ​​or ideas that a person wants to express through a tattoo. For example, a symbol for "love" or "happiness" may be chosen to highlight these concepts in the life of the tattoo wearer.
  3. Aesthetics and beauty: Chinese characters have a unique calligraphic beauty and style that attracts people with its graphic expressiveness. Such tattoos can be not only symbolic, but also aesthetically attractive.
  4. Historical and cultural significance: China has a rich history and culture, and many people choose Chinese symbols for tattoos to honor that history and culture. Such tattoos can be understood as a symbol of support and understanding of Chinese culture.
  5. Individuality and self-expression: For many people, choosing a Chinese symbol for a tattoo is a way to stand out from the crowd and express their uniqueness and individuality through body decoration.

Ideas and options

These tattoos are mainly applied to the arms, chest, neck, back, ribs, or even legs or feet, depending on the amount of kanji.

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They are often made with black ink, which makes them stand out on the skin. But the new trend is to add colored ink to give this pattern a different light and shadow effect.

These letters can be placed horizontally, as in Western writing, or vertically, on the arms or back.

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Chinese Symbols Tattoo Designs