» Tattoo meanings » 51 African Tattoo: Landscapes, Animals, Map ...

51 African Tattoo: Landscapes, Animals, Map ...

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Africa is the beginning of everything. One of the theories about the origin of man indicates that our entire existence began on this continent, which, of course, did not have this name at that time.

Those who don't know Africa that well think of its wilder side first. It is easy to imagine this in the great films of our childhood, in The Lion King, or in documentaries that are broadcast on television. However, Africa is much more than what we are shown in the films. For many people, it personifies their roots and origins: for them, it is a legitimate tattoo motive.

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Continent silhouette

Most of the tattoos inspired by the African continent represent her figure. You can often see different variations of this type of tattoo, some more complex than others.

Some tattoos are minimalist and are placed in rather small and relatively inconspicuous places, such as on the wrists. The rest are more detailed: they are usually placed on the back or on another rather large area of ​​the body. In both cases, the tattooed figure represents the connection between the person who wears it and this continent with which it deeply identifies.

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African landscape

Another theme often depicted in tattoos is the African landscape, which contains these unique elements: tall trees and vast expanses with a hot sun on the horizon.

Africa has been represented by this image for generations and is often recognized in a matter of seconds.

The landscape is part of the African lifestyle. So this is another very important symbol for all people who feel a spiritual connection with this continent.

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African fauna

Another theme, undoubtedly reminiscent of Africa, is its impressive fauna. As we reported earlier, it's hard not to think about the Lion King.

The fauna of the African continent reminds us of its ferocity, but also of the resilience with which the early inhabitants confronted a hostile environment. It reminds us of their strength and restraint.

Africa is an impressive continent, but many do not know about it, even if they think they have an idea of ​​how people live there. Tattoos can convey a sense of belonging, which reminds us that sometimes it is necessary to broaden our point of view.

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