» Tattoo meanings » 49 gorgeous pelican tattoos (and what they mean)

49 gorgeous pelican tattoos (and what they mean)

Tattooing is a popular pastime these days and more and more people are choosing to get a tattoo or wear more than one. Each tattoo has a different, unique and specific meaning for each person, although they all have common meanings depending on the type or variation of each design.

Pelicans are birds that feed on marine fish and have huge beaks with a large capacity. They do not have flashy plumage, but they have many deep and interesting spiritual meanings, rooted in the past of humanity.

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The meaning of the pelican tattoo

Pelican tattoos have the spiritual meaning given to them by the ancient Egyptians and the people of ancient Europe. According to legends, pelicans are birds that sacrifice themselves for their young. One of them says that the pelican opened its chest to feed its cubs during hunger and revive them with its own blood. Thus, the meanings of these tattoos:

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- Dedication and good deeds are the main meaning. People who decide to get a pelican tattoo are usually dedicated to their cause, they strive for cooperation, not rivalry, and helping others always takes precedence over their personal interests.

- The meaning of the pelican's personal sacrifice, which comes from all the meanings that humanity has given this humble bird.

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