» Tattoo meanings » 45 ECG tattoos (heartbeat)

45 ECG tattoos (heartbeat)

There is no love tattoo better than a heart, but it is not the only design that suits this type of tattoo. When you fall in love, your heart beats very quickly, causing panic. You feel like it can stop your heart if you don't control it. This rhythm is the voice of your heart telling you what you love.

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Heart rhythm is one of the most commonly used representations in tattoos due to its great simplicity. It can be printed on leather without fear of exaggeration and is easy to cover. It can be used in combination with a wide variety of patterns and designs, and often with the name of a loved one.

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But what do these drawings represent?

Their symbolism or meaning is always associated with love. An electrocardiogram measures our heart rate and is characterized by lines that go up and down, forming peaks of sorts. When one of these peaks rises steeply several times in a row, it means that the heart is restless.

Heart rate also plays a fundamental role in sixth sense and foreboding. When someone has highly developed sensitivities, their heart can alert them that certain unpleasant events are about to happen, but it can also anticipate danger or make them feel that certain people or decisions are bad.

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Heart rate also plays an important role on a sentimental level because, depending on what it tells us, we can know what is best for us when we have to make a big decision. Only then can we listen to what our own heart tells us.

ECG Tattoo Ideas

If you don't want to use just the ECG symbol, you can add the name of the person he honors in the middle or below it.

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Those who get tattoos, paying tribute to the deceased, can draw a heart, at the tip of which an electro will begin, which, in turn, will end with a cross. You can put that person's date of birth under the heart and the date of death on the cross.

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And if your heart, ECG, and name aren't enough for you, you can add a special quote, short phrase, or dedication to that person - or to yourself, because love is ultimately everything. myself. Never be afraid to dedicate something to yourself.

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