» Tattoo meanings » 41 peacock (turkey) tattoo: best design and meaning

41 peacock (turkey) tattoo: best design and meaning

A native of India, the peacock has become a symbol of royalty, divinity and nobility in the traditions of this part of the world. Peacock throne was a coveted seat of power in the 1600s by the ruler of Persia Shah Jahan , the man who built the incredible and magnificent monument Taj Mahal .

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Peacocks are also an integral part of many religions.

- In Christianity white peacock is considered a secret symbol of the Church and Jesus Christ, and some medieval and Renaissance artists included this motif as an additional sign of the religious nature of their work.

- In Buddhism peacock - a symbol of openness and honesty ... The peacock is not afraid to show his true being in mode, although this can leave him vulnerable.

 - Hindus consider the peacock to be the avatar of the goddess Lakshmi and a sign of prosperity and good luck. The peacock is also a famous lover. Only males have this colorful plumage, which they display in their courtship to attract females.

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These birds are also symbols of wisdom and knowledge.  The eye patterns on the tail feathers were considered in Ancient Greece as "All-Seeing Eyes", and the bird was a symbol of the goddess Hera , queens Olympus ... Unfortunately, Hera was very jealous and vindictive and planned to destroy any creature she considered more beautiful than herself.

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In the Middle Ages, alchemists used the peacock in all their mixtures. The peacock and its feathers were symbols of renewal and healing. The bird was thought to be the equivalent of the Phoenix rising from the ashes. This belief arose from the fact that peacocks are not affected by the large amounts of toxins they consume every day. In fact, it was not unusual to see works in which peacock defeats a poisonous snake. This idea may be the source of the Christian belief that the peacock can protect against the devil and his demons (snakes are symbols of evil and sin).

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The meaning of the peacock tattoo

The peacock has the following characteristics:

  • Glory
  • Vanity and beauty
  • Spirituality
  • Renewal and spiritual rebirth
  • Immortality
  • Qualification
  • Purity (white peacock)
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Peacock tattoo variations

1. White peacock

The white peacock is a rare bird and is especially revered as a religious symbol. White peacock tattoos represent many of the key concepts of Christianity such as spiritual renewal, purity, and humility. A white peacock would be a symbol of Jesus Christ. Thus, white peacock tattoo personifies your deep Christian convictions and generates a sense of renewal and enlightenment.

2. Peacock feathers.

Peacock plumage represents much more than just narcissism or vanity ... Sure, a peacock with an open tail can be a sign of excessive pride, but feathers have also been symbols of renewal and healing for millennia. The peacock feather is a symbol of healing and is also considered a sign of immortality, as the peacock is immune to many plant toxins that it regularly eats. In Greek culture, feathers represented knowledge, and for Hindus, a sign of kindness and compassion.

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