» Tattoo meanings » 36 tattoos of justice and the goddess of justice (and their meanings)

36 tattoos of justice and the goddess of justice (and their meanings)

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A symbol of justice can be a single scale, a woman holding a sword, blindfolded and / or carrying a scale. Each element representing a symbol of justice has its own shade and meaning. Let's take a look at what each symbolizes so you can find a tattoo design that will define your righteous personality.

Libra presents balance in its various interpretations - one might even say in different aspects of life - as something right. It can be emotional, professional or physical balance. Its function is to establish equality between the two elements and to end the conflict between the parties. Therefore, if you are thinking of a scale tattoo, know that your tattoo will tell you that you are trying to maintain balance in your life.

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A blindfolded woman, usually wearing a tunic, represents a symbol of blind justice. Let's not forget that she usually holds in one hand a balance, symbolizing balance, and in the other - a sword, in order to fulfill her sentence and restore the lost balance. This image is a portrait of the goddess Themis, the goddess of justice. Those who wear these tattoos are considered to be impartial decision makers.

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A blindfold that covers the eyes means that justice is blind, but the blindfold is not always present, and in this case it means that justice is not as blind as one might think.

The sword is also a symbol of justice. Some pictures show an inverted sword, while others show a lion, which means that righteousness comes with strength.

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We can also view the "eye of justice" as a symbol of justice. People who wear this drawing tattooed on their bodies convey the message of the all-seeing eye, the watchful eye that ensures peace and quiet for people.

These tattoos are becoming more and more innovative and more and more people are getting them on their body. The scale looks nice on the upper back as the design fits nicely into it, but you can also opt for the chest or wrist. On the other hand, the image of the goddess Themis can be placed on a more extended place, for example, on the shoulder, chest or back.

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Why are justice and goddess of justice tattoos popular?

Tattoos that feature the theme of justice and the goddess of justice are popular because of the deep symbolic meanings they carry, as well as the historical and cultural associations associated with them.

  1. Symbolism of justice: The idea of ​​justice is one of the core values ​​in many societies. A tattoo of scales or other symbols of justice can be a way to express a belief in justice, as well as a desire for it in your life.
  2. Associations with law and justice: In images of the goddess of justice, such as Justice, tattoos can symbolize respect for the law, adherence to rules and the belief in the need to comply with legal norms.
  3. Historical meaning: Magnificent images of the goddess of justice, such as Maya, Themis or Astraea, have deep roots in the history and culture of many peoples. Tattoos with their images can be a way to show respect for historical heritage and cultural traditions.
  4. Aesthetics and style: Images of justice and the goddess of justice can be depicted in beautiful and aesthetically pleasing forms, making them popular among lovers of tattoos as works of art.
  5. Personal values ​​and beliefs: For many people, justice tattoos can be a way to express their personal beliefs, belief in truth and honesty, and desire for justice in the world.

Thus, tattoos dedicated to justice and the goddess of justice are popular because of their deep symbolic meanings, beauty, and ability to express personal beliefs and values.

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