» Tattoo meanings » 33 chakra tattoos (and what they mean)

33 chakra tattoos (and what they mean)

Life Energy has many different names depending on cultures, including pop culture or media culture. It is very likely that this is the first time you hear about chakras from friends, but it is also possible that you know them from one or another Japanese animated series.

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Basically, chakras are a kind of door or hatch located in different places of our body. Their primary function is to conserve some of the vital energy we all have, and controlling them can have amazing benefits for our daily lives.

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Of course, beliefs and spirituality play an important role at this level; This is why people who have spiritual practice related to chakra take this topic very seriously. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that you want to get a tattoo with these patterns.

7 chakras

The most popular tattoos are the seven chakra tattoos, which are usually placed on the forearm. Each of these chakras has a special meaning, and each person who shares these beliefs usually understands the meaning and usefulness of each of them.

These 7 energy points are called root chakra, sacral chakra, plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra, respectively. Each has its own function in our life. Our development as a person depends on their correct functioning.

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In addition, each of these chakras has a specific location on the body. This is why some people choose to get tattoos in places close to these points. However, the most common one is that they are all tattooed together, on one leg or on the forearm.

Tattoos and spirituality

Many people perpetuate certain aspects of their spirituality with tattoos. We have already discussed the tattoos of some holy figures such as the Virgin of Guadalupe, Christ or the Virgin Mary.

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It is also common to see tattoos of different religions such as Hinduism or Judaism, among other religions.

A tattoo of this type undoubtedly corresponds to a very intimate decision, not only because it is a tattoo, but also because it is associated with the most personal ideas of each about the nature and formation of humanity. This design is directly related to the belief system, which is quite complex and meaningful to the person getting the tattoo.

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