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170 Tattoos on legs (types and problems)

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For some, leg tattoos are one of the best ways to express themselves, while for others it's just pain and suffering. Why are these disagreements? Before getting a tattoo on your leg, find out which designs are best for the area and the possible issues you need to consider.

General Drawings

Leg tattoos can be as different as the people who wear them and are simply beautiful. The most popular options are flowers, garlands and ethnic ornaments. Leg tattoos that start from the side or bottom and continue from the top are quite common.

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Certain types of designs are particularly suitable for the foot.

- Flowers

The floral designs at the foot can be a symbol of Buddhist faith or a simple way to place a gorgeous piece of jewelry on what some consider the least desirable part of the body. Flowers have the advantage of being easy to adjust, no matter which body part you choose. If you don't particularly like your legs, you can enhance them with a gorgeous flower tattoo.

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The meaning of a tattoo with flowers can be very varied and varied, depending on the type that you are tattooing. But they all have something in common: their beauty.

- Animals

Small animals get adorable tattoos wherever they are, but they are even cuter when they sit on a stand. Imagine images of frogs, lizards, or other animals sitting on your feet, as if they had just stopped there for a while.

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Tigers are very popular tattoo designs because of their beauty and strength. They are often associated with power, ferocity, passion, and sensuality; but also beauty, speed, cruelty and anger. The appearance of a tiger in a dream is often seen as an inner awakening of new strength or passion.

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- Stars

Stars are perfect leg tattoos. They can be small and do not require a lot of parts, so they are great for thin skin of the legs. You can place one star wherever you want, or try a set of shooting stars from ankle to toe.

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- butterflies

Butterflies also form small, graceful tattoos that look perfect on the foot. The inner wing patterns of the butterfly glide easily over the tendons of the upper foot and can even help hide some imperfections if the foot moves too much during the tattoo.

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- Hearts

Hearts are also simple tattoos that look great on the leg. You can only draw an outline or color them, or even accompany them with other patterns such as wings or ribbons. Usually they are placed on the foot with the tip to the toes.

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- Letters and words

The foot is a long, fairly flat platform on which inscriptions can be easily placed. The word tattoo can stretch from toes to ankles, with or without designs. Remember to adapt the position of the word or letters to the foot (left or right) and the side of the foot (inside or outside) on which you intend to tattoo. For example, the tattoo on the inside of the right foot should go from the toes to the ankle, and on the outside of the right foot, vice versa, that is, from the ankle to the toes.

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- Matching tattoos

You have two legs, why not get two tattoos? You can place one on both legs, dividing it into two pieces that will complement each other when you connect the two legs, or simply choose two identical small tattoos. These can be words, symbols, or images that go well with each other, such as two flowers or two signs of the zodiac.

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Problems with tattoos on the legs

Choosing a design is just the first step in a tattoo. The foot has common lines that differ from the lines of other parts of the body: make sure your design matches them well before getting a tattoo.

- Healing time

It may take two to five days for the tattoo to heal, depending on the size and location of the tattoo. Some tattooists recommend not wearing shoes or socks in the days following a session, while others don't mind. Either way, your foot will be painful and uncomfortable as it heals. If you cannot afford to rest your feet for a few days, this may not be the best option for you.

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- Find an artist

Some artists refuse to tattoo their feet. This is due to the problems with these tattoos, as well as the fact that artists are reluctant to take the risk of doing poor work. Many tattoo artists charge additional fees for footwork and do not guarantee results or offer free retouching.

Visit a few studios you like and find out about their leg tattoos. Each studio has its own rules at this level, and you can choose the one that suits you best.

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- Pain

The only thing that both tattooists and people with tattoos agree on is that there is more pain there. No one knows for sure if this is due to the number of nerve endings or the lack of muscle between skin and bone. Tattoos in this area also bleed faster than other parts of the body.

- Loss of color and blur / lengthening of lines

Leg tattoos tend to spread more than others. This means that these drawings lose sharpness and fade faster than elsewhere. Show the artist your idea of ​​the drawing and ask his opinion. He or she may have modification ideas to slow down these processes.

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In Hinduism, the lotus flower represents spiritual perfection.

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In the world of tattoos, stars can represent several things. They can be just a decoration, but they can also symbolize the astral connection.

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The wings represent the world; love; the connection between earth and sky, and between the human and the divine. The wing is a symbol of superiority and liberation. At the chemical and magical level, wings are symbols of transformation that allow a particular person to access a new state that was previously inaccessible to him.

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The sailors were given swallow tattoos as talismans for good luck so that they could safely get home after long journeys.

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Usually these tattoos represent beauty, metamorphosis and freedom; but also that which is ephemeral, joy and fragility. Butterflies are also associated with the soul and are considered a connecting link with our interior.

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Roses are by far the most popular flowers. Their symbolism is very extensive, but they are mainly associated with love, passion, beauty and blood.

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Anchors represent safety, hope and salvation. They represent the highest beings, cut off from the material world. Anchors are guardians, intermediaries and guides between the earthly and heavenly worlds.

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Owls are considered hypnotic and very wise birds that hunt at night. They are incomprehensible and vigilant, making them ideal tattoo subjects for nervous people.

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