» Tattoo meanings » 140 fish tattoos (and their meanings): whale, catfish

140 fish tattoos (and their meanings): whale, catfish

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As the first life form in the world, everything that lives in the sea is an important part of human history. Our love for poisons has an evolutionary origin. Many anthropologists believe that the inclusion in the diet of men of fish high in omega fatty acids (which promotes brain development) is one of the driving forces behind their development.

But fish has evolved into more than just food on our plates: in many cultures around the world, it is an expression of our spirituality.

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In the early days of Christianity, being identified as a believer guaranteed everyone an encounter with death. Many Christians then lived in fear of persecution, so finding a way to distinguish friends from enemies was a difficult process. The fish, derived from the connection between Jesus and the Sea of ​​Galilee, became a means of safely confirming Christianity without being noticed. Christ was the "fisher of men," and it is no coincidence that his most famous miracles consisted in feeding multitudes of people by multiplying bread and fish.

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The natural element Water is believed by many people to represent our emotions and our subconscious. This is the reason why animals that live in or near water are often viewed as an expression of our mental state. There are several marine animals that are notorious symbols of the subconscious: the starfish, whale, hippocampus, and shark are all considered as resorts in troubled waters or creatures that can cause rainfall, emotional insecurity. This philosophy still exists in Asian cultures, where the sea dominates many aspects of local religions and traditions.

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In many cultures of Africa and East India fish is considered a symbol of creation, transformation and fertility. Hindu god Vishnu turned into a fish ( Матся ) and thus saved the world from a terrible flood. Fish is also a symbol of abundance.

В Babylonians и the Sumerians revered Enka , the god of creation, while the ancient Egyptians considered the starfish as a symbol of renewal and healing. In some places in China, newlyweds are given fish to attract prosperity and to bless their marriage in the hope that they will have many children. Marine animals are also considered repositories of ancient knowledge.

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The meaning of the fish tattoo

At first glance, a simple fish eventually acquired many meanings , including:

  • Abundance and wealth
  • Patience
  • Perseverance
  • Ambition
  • Force
  • Force
  • Regeneration and Healing
  • Wisdom
  • Luck and prosperity
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Fish tattoo options


The growing popularity of the MTV series Catfish has no doubt given catfish tattoos a completely different meaning. To be “feline sin” means to be deceived by people who claim to be something other than what they really are. But even outside this Western context, catfish is a symbol of negativity and instability. In Japanese mythology spread brings destruction and chaos, causing deadly earthquakes, so the image of the catfish is inextricably linked to the country's earthquake warning and forecasting system. Catfish tattoos show the world that you are not who you seem at first sight.


As representatives of the Roman god of the sea, Neptune, seahorses bring good luck and symbolize leadership and protection amid the raging waves. The Chinese revered this little animal and saw it as a kind of wise sea dragon, while European sailors believed that seahorses were the gateway to the afterlife for those who died at sea. Seahorse tattoos also symbolized patience and friendship.

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In movies and TV shows, sharks are always an element of success. And for good reason: sharks cause terror in the hearts of people, but nevertheless remain mysterious and magnificent creatures. Sharks are sacred symbols in many indigenous cultures around the world, and like predator kings, they represent the indomitable and fearsome power of the sea. Shark tattoos are popular with sailors, many of whom "identify with the strength and primary power of these majestic animals." animals.

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Как and anchor , Star of the Seas - or Stella Mara - is a revered symbol in maritime culture. Like an emblem Virgin mary , it symbolizes salvation and a living sanctuary in the midst of stormy waters. The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks admired its ability to repair damaged or amputated limbs. This is why the starfish is a symbol of healing and rebirth.


Dolphins are some of the smartest animals in the world and of all the creatures in the ocean, they are the most important in our hearts. Long before antiquity, these wonderful mammals inspired people. They are responsive, very sociable and freedom-loving. Sailors believe they bring good luck and bode well for the crossing. Dolphin tattoos represent freedom, family, frivolity, harmony and intelligence.

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Whales are powerful spirits of the oceans, and given their incredible size and presence, it's no wonder humans are completely fascinated by them. Many cultures, from Iceland to West Africa, have stories in which whales are revered as creations and guardians of ancient wisdom. They are considered an expression of the subconscious, because they live in the oceans, that is, in the element of emotions, Water. Male whales represent creativity and intuition, and wearing this tattoo means that you are well aware of yourself and your role in the universe.

Koi fish

Picture beautiful and colorful koi fish, floating gracefully in a garden pond has become synonymous with Japanese culture, but the cult of these wonderful creatures originated in China. The Chinese legend of the Dragon Gate tells the story of an ambitious and persistent koi carp who fought against the current to climb a waterfall. After successfully completing this challenge, the koi carp transformed into a mighty dragon. Koi fish tattoos represent good luck, success, prosperity, ambition and wealth.

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