» Articles » Ideas for Tattoos » For men » 125 tribal tattoos for men (and their meanings)

125 tribal tattoos for men (and their meanings)

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Tribal tattoos remain one of the most popular options in France. However, the term is quite broad. Although we refer to some of the body designs as "tribal" tattoos, it is possible that they do not belong to any established tribal culture. They are probably more inspired by traditional tattoos or motives from these cultures. In this case, any design can appear, and the so-called tribals will quickly become terribly diverse. Most have characteristics such as repetitive patterns, thick lines, the use of black ink, and mythical or spiritual symbolism.

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Types of tribal tattoos

It can be difficult to talk about the types in this category. As we mentioned earlier, the categorization of tribal tattoos can be endless. Therefore, it is only natural that talking about specific types is also a little difficult.

However, there are a few basic categories that we can define for simplicity. The first difference we can take into account is, for example, the difference between traditional tribal bodily work and modern ones.

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1. Traditional tribal coporian works

When we talk about traditional tribal body art, we mean tattoos that only use authentic and original tribal drawings ... They are quite rare as many of the modern breeding works include modern elements. Despite this, traditional designs still exist. For example, in Africa there are still tribes that use old tribal designs passed down from generation to generation. We can observe the same phenomenon in some Maori in New Zealand.

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Ta Moko Maori drawings are particularly famous examples of traditional tribal tattoos, and for good reason. After all, the word "tattoo" itself comes from the Maori word for these body jewelry. The Ta Moko people also show us the many functions that these body compositions can perform in traditional societies. They serve to demonstrate the social status of a tattooed person, and also indicate his spiritual or personal strength.

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2. Modern tribes

Modern design often has several elements of traditional design that they transform in different ways. The result is often an original and cross-cultural drawing - a kind of showcase of symbols that can be very appealing.

Now, even within this category, we can talk about different subcategories. We could, for example, talk about the types of tribal tattoos based on their main source (or most important source of inspiration). Thus, we could talk about Maori, Celtic or Aztec tattoos and even Wiccans.

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The meaning of tribal patterns

The meaning of a tribal tattoo depends not only on the design, but also on the culture to which they belong. Let's not forget that different images or symbols can represent very different things in different cultures, after all. So, if you want to know the meaning of a certain tribal pattern, you will have to ask the tattoo artist or whoever wears it what it really refers to.

Maori tattoos And Moko those mentioned earlier are a great example of the value of this type of body composition. These patterns covered the entire face of a person and consisted of very intricate patterns. Of course, they were unique to each person, and this also weaved a web of their own meanings.

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The Maori believed that dead people become translucent - that light passes through them. This made it impossible to identify the dead. However, the people who wore Ta Moko tattoos had a unique design carved and imprinted on their faces. After the death of a person, the drawing engraved on his face resisted the passage of light and contrasted, allowing friends and family to recognize him even after his death.

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Tribal compositions can also have spiritual significance. For example, in some cultures it was believed that some traditional designs served as a ritual of protection from demons and evil forces. Of course, there is no such sense in modern culture. Some of the modern tribal compositions do not even make deep sense to either the tattoo artist or the wearer - they are simply created for simple aesthetic purposes.

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Calculation of cost and standard prices

The cost of a tribal design "from the catalog" can be 50 euros. This price is usually the minimum requested by most tattoo artists. If you want something the size of a palm, for example, you might want to consider an option for a few hundred dollars.

Generally, the larger the design, the higher the price. Many artists may also ask you to set a rate per hour of work instead of setting a price for the finished product. Larger structures are usually calculated on this basis. Smaller projects, which are usually faster to complete, have fixed prices.

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It may be tempting to look for the cheapest prices, but you should avoid this. The decline in the cost of tattoos usually leads to disastrous results, apart from diseases due to the lack of sterilization of instruments. The point is, the best tattoos will cost you dearly because they require work and skill from an experienced artist and you will have to pay these artists for their time.

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Perfect placement

The placement of tribes can also vary greatly. Most of the traditional tattoos were meant to be visible, which explains their location on places like the face, neck, and arms. However, if you are looking for a modern tribe, you will probably find these places unsuitable. For example, it is possible that you avoid tattooing your face because of the opinion of the company or professional restrictions in this regard. While Ta Moko's facial tattoos indicated an important social status in traditional Maori tribes, today they do not mean the same thing in modern society at all.

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If you want a very discreet tattoo, you can place it in places on the body that are easy to hide. These can be areas that are easily covered by hair or clothing. For example, you can get a tattoo on your legs or thighs. Artwork placed on areas of skin normally hidden by your T-shirt or shirt is also a good option.

Keep in mind, however, that placing a tattoo in a place that's easy to hide is often accompanied by a painful session. For example, drawing on the ribs or sides: this can be covered with a top, but this is also one of the most painful places in a tattoo. Before deciding to get a tattoo in this area, think carefully and try to determine the level of pain you can tolerate.

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Most tribal designs - and even modern tattoos - are primarily for display. This is why you might prefer a location that is slightly more visible if your lifestyle and professional career allows it. You might consider getting a bracelet with patterns in this style around the leg, for example, or an intricate tattoo on the shoulder. A very popular place for tribal bodywork is the forearm, as it is also often used as a backdrop for traditional tattoos of this type.

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Tips for getting ready for a tattoo session

Preparing for a tribal tattoo session is not much different from preparing for any other type of tattoo. The first thing to do is to always be as careful as possible when choosing a tattoo artist. In fact, 50% of the preparation for a tattoo session should be devoted to finding the right artist because, after all, it is the person responsible for capturing the potentially permanent pattern on your skin. This artist will make lasting and irreversible changes to your body, so you need to make sure he is as talented and trustworthy as possible.

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You should also make sure that this artist is working in a clean environment. This is perhaps the most important thing to consider when choosing a tattoo artist, and no less artistic ability. The cleaner the tattoo studio and tools are, the less likely you are to expose your health to a post-session infection. How do you know an artist is doing clean work? Try to identify the following metrics:

1. Does the studio itself look clean? Generally speaking, a dirty studio is a dirty tool. Be uncompromising at this level.

2. Does the studio have an autoclave for sterilizing needles? Ask to see it and how often it is used.

3. Does the artist wear gloves? He should always wear it when working on a tattoo.

4. Does the artist open the package of needles in front of you? This is as it should be, as needles must always be new and must be in sealed containers before use.

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Feel free to ask for feedback on the artist you are looking to hire. Ask other people who approached him about how their experience went. You can even ask to see their tattoos - most are usually not afraid to show off. Ask them their level of satisfaction with the artist's work and if they had any difficulties.

Once you are satisfied with the information gathered and decide to hire the right artist for the job, prepare your mind and body. First of all, make sure you are in the best possible health when getting a tattoo. If you're unlucky enough to catch a cold the day before your tattoo session, put it aside: you can always reschedule it. It's smarter than putting your health at risk by obstinately obeying the ink gun when your immune system is already trying to defeat the invader.

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Also make sure you don't come to the tattoo studio hungover. This increases the pain, which means that it will be more difficult for the artist to do their job. In addition, alcohol thins the blood, which increases the risk of bleeding. Women should avoid making an appointment during their period as they are usually more sensitive during this time of the month.

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Maintenance tips

Once you get a tattoo, you will need to take care of it to speed up the healing process. Tattooing is a process by which the skin is injured, so it is important to ensure that infection does not develop. The infection can lead to loss of a limb or, in the worst case, life. That is why the infection should not be taken lightly: at the slightest sign of inflammation, you should go to the hospital. You can even ask your therapist to help you follow the development of your body art by doing an exam.

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Many artists prefer their clients to bandage the tattooed area for several days after the session. Ask your tattoo artist about their treatment recommendations and if your tattoo products are included in the price. Some studios include antibacterial soaps and gauze.

Keep the tattoo as clean as possible. When washing, do it carefully and try not to damage the skin with rough movements or rough texture. This is why to dry the tattoo, you should lightly dab the tattooed area with a clean towel and avoid rubbing: rubbing can irritate small wounds and even lead to bacteria.

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Some people prefer to play it safe and take antibiotics right after the session. This is not necessarily specified if your body art work was done in a clean studio following a specific sterilization protocol.

In short, these tattoos are eye-catching and a great body drawing option. The fact that they refer to the past and traditional cultures makes them especially attractive to those associated with these cultures - for example, those with indigenous blood in their ancestry love to have a symbol that reminds them of their origins and their origins. family history. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot get yourself a tattoo of this type if you have nothing to do with these cultures, as many people these days do modern tribal tattoos. And you? Do you know of a tribal pattern that you think might look attractive on skin these days?

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