» Tattoo meanings » 100 forest tattoos (and their meanings)

100 forest tattoos (and their meanings)

For nature lovers, these tattoos are like platonic declarations of love, imprinted on the skin for the rest of their lives, forever.

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Carrying a tree can represent life, love, eternity, power and knowledge. Putting many trees together can represent the maximization of this meaning, the abundance of these qualities.

Thousands of people enjoy watching different landscapes for hours, even to the point of wearing them on their skin so that they never stop seeing them.

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Trees also make you feel closer to those you love. This is why getting his tattoo on your body can help you cope with the loss of a friend or loved one - or feel spiritually close to him if you find yourself away from them.

Although the forests are mysterious, they give a feeling of serenity and complete peace. Putting them on can remind you of the strength and patience that need to be exercised in certain situations.

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Forest Tattoo Ideas

In most cases, the horns that people tattoo are made from fir trees. Typical are tattoos that seem to depict a night with the moon in the background, in which several fir trees stand out and, possibly, in the background - a wolf howling at the moon.

Colored forest tattoos are also quite common, especially if they are trees with a lot of flowers, such as in the fall or spring when colors flicker and move.

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Some designs are pretty creative. For example, those that show a path passing between trees, in which we see a person, a dog, a wolf or a bird.

There are also options for drawings representing the fusion of the body or head of an animal: a dog, cat, wolf, bird, or even a person's face with a forest of trees or firs.

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These tattoos often cover quite large areas of the body. Most are placed on the back, arm (from elbow to shoulder, covering the entire arm), legs or calves.

But you can do whatever you want. The ones that are small and show only a few trees, with thin lines and no shadows like a sketch, are quite touching and creative. And you can place them on any part of your body.

You can even choose a geometric shape such as a circle, triangle, or hexagon and use it to outline the edges of your forest, actually representing (or not representing) the lines on that shape.

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