» Tattoo meanings » 100 designs and meanings of tiger tattoos

100 designs and meanings of tiger tattoos

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The tiger is one of the most revered felines on the planet.

In short, the tiger represents how we humans want to live our lives - without inhibitions. They are cruel and sensual, wild and indomitable, mighty and strong. They are driven by their instincts and passions, and not conditioned by reason and convenience. These animals are sun totems. This means that they are guided by the sun. Thus, they are considered wild and passionate creatures. To be a great lover, you have to be a tiger in bed. This explains why certain parts of their bodies have been used in the past in many love potions and in all natural aphrodisiac potions.

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In much of India, tigers remain a symbol of unimaginable destruction. Some rural villages still (albeit rarely) report attacks in which tigers ate people. These attacks are not the norm and in almost all cases were caused by the desecration of the animal's territory by man. By removing the animal feed, humans forced the sick tigers to take desperate measures.

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Tigers are also popular culture characters. How not to think about Tony, Kellogg's tiger, or the inevitable world hit Life of Pi? In any case, the tiger is seen as a guardian or a kind of protector who makes sure that we eat a healthy breakfast or that our trip is a success. In recent years, the result of crossing a lion and a tigress (in English - liger) has become a memorable and beloved figure in our culture. This curious mixture of two powerful beasts can be seen in zoos around the world.

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In Chinese folklore, tigers are considered the guardians of death. Decorating a headstone or burial with a tiger is one way to pay tribute to the soul of the deceased and ensure that it smoothly moves into the afterlife. Their image is used to ward off demons and misfortune, and the animal is often depicted in the company of the god of wealth Tsai Sheng Ye. In short, if you want to bring a little bit of luck into your life, why not get a tiger tattoo?

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The meaning of the tiger tattoo

The tiger is the perfect feline. It represents a large number of characteristics, including:

— Power and domination

— DEF and the role of the guardian

— Royalty and nobility

- Brute force

- Danger and destruction

- Energy (like solar totem)

- Passion and sexual prowess

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Popularity of tiger tattoo

The tiger tattoo is one of the most popular and symbolic tattoos, especially in East Asian culture. Here are some reasons why the tiger tattoo is so popular:

  1. Strength and Power: The tiger is associated with strength, power and courage. Its image symbolizes spiritual and physical strength, which makes the tiger tattoo popular among people seeking strength and self-confidence.
  2. Protection and defense: The tiger has been considered a symbol of protection and defense since ancient times. His image is often used to create talismans and amulets designed to protect the wearer from negative energies and evil spirits.
  3. Bravery and fight: The tiger is a symbol of courage and struggle. Its image on the body can be an expression of human fortitude and determination to overcome difficulties.
  4. Spirituality and magic: In some cultures, the tiger is considered a sacred animal with magical powers. A tiger tattoo can be a symbol of spiritual strength and magical protection.
  5. Aesthetics and beauty: Apart from its symbolic meaning, the image of a tiger is attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Its graceful shape and colorful coloring make the tiger tattoo a popular choice for many tattoo lovers.
  6. Cultural heritage: In East Asian culture, the tiger has special significance and is a symbol of many virtues such as wisdom, power and longevity. A tiger tattoo can be an expression of respect for this cultural heritage.

Overall, a tiger tattoo has many meanings and symbolic interpretations, making it very popular among tattoo lovers looking to express their strength, protection, courage and spirituality through their tattoos.

Tiger tattoo variations

When it comes to tiger tattoos, you could say that the North American phrase “Make it big or go home” does make sense. This animal is larger than life itself. Her vibrant colors and intricate dress must be portrayed by a brilliant and talented artist. As is usually the case with most large cats, a tiger tattoo is best applied to a large muscle group. Thus, the beauty of the animal and the design come to life with every movement.

1. Tribal tiger tattoos.

The tiger is a powerful symbol of power and invincibility; so it comes as no surprise that elite soldiers wear tiger tattoos. These designs are associated with the belief that this type of tattoo brings the strength and energy of this animal totem to the wearer and is a way to connect with them, be inspired by them, and draw resources from these sacred totems. ... Tribal tiger tattoos represent strength, strength, domination and freedom from fear.

2. Tiger cub tattoos.

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It doesn't matter that the tiger is a terrifying and terrifying creature. On the other hand, baby tigers cause only admiration and the unanimous exclamation of "Oooh, he's cute!" Since tigers are generally solitary animals, females of this species are considered especially devoted mothers. The tiger tattoo symbolizes innocence and fragility. They are a living display of the relationship between a mother and her child.

3. Tiger eye tattoos.

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The tiger's eye is not just a beautiful gem; it symbolizes Concentration, Patience and Determination. The song "Eye of the Tiger" is a theme song that best reflects the relationship between "man and his will to survive." A tiger eye tattoo embodies your most primitive desires: you move and think only by following your instincts and impulses. The tiger's eye represents the animal in its purest form: prowling, hungry, focused and, most importantly, deadly.

4. Tattoos of butterflies and tigers.

A butterfly is a fragile creature that should be treated with love and care. It is a symbol of femininity, embodying the concept of "gentle nature of the weaker sex." On the other hand, the tiger is a symbol of power, strength, passion and sexual prowess. These drawings represent the most indomitable and hidden desires of humanity. Butterfly and tiger tattoo is a great juxtaposition of two concepts that seemingly are not related. This design means you should never judge a book by its cover. These tattoos are often worn by women: they show the world that even the most fragile creatures can be strong and indomitable on the inside. They personify the inner strength and restrained power of a woman.

5. Tattoos of blue tigers.

According to Chinese legends, the universe is supported by five mighty tigers. Each of them has a bright color, performs a specific task and controls a specific natural element. The White Tiger personifies autumn and rules over the metal element. The Black Tiger controls winter and the water element, while its opposite, the Red Tiger, is the guardian of summer and controls the element of fire. The Blue Tiger is the totem of spring and the elements of the earth. As in "The Lord of the Rings", all of them are ruled by a tiger. The Yellow Tiger is a creature from the sun, which is obliged to control its comrades.

6. Tiger and dragon tattoos.

In Chinese culture, tiger and dragon are mortal enemies, always fighting a fierce battle. Both are totems of Mother Nature and represent strength, strength, passion and desire. What sets these two creatures apart is how they interact with the world around them. The dragon is a wise creature and a being of knowledge that corresponds to fundamental events in the world, while the tiger is a creature of brutal strength and primary power. That is why tiger and dragon tattoos represent the struggle between mind and body.

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75 Traditional Tiger Tattoos For Men