

  • Astrological sign: Scorpio
  • Number of Arcs: 13
  • Hebrew letter: ) (Nun)
  • Overall value: + Change

Death is a card associated with the astrological scorpion. This card is marked with 13.

What Death in the Tarot shows - card description

The Death card usually depicts the personification of death, sometimes on a horse, but more often it is a skeleton with a sickle or goat in its hands. Around the characters are dead and dying people of all classes, including kings, bishops and common people. The card from the Ryder-Waite deck depicts a skeleton carrying a black banner with a white flower in front of which the Sun rises.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

It should be emphasized that this card does not mean Death in the literal sense of the word. Death in the Tarot symbolizes change - a transition, for example, from one stage of life to another, or a change in our way of thinking. Death (card) can also mean spiritual rebirth.

Representation in other decks: