

  • Astrological sign: Lew
  • Number of Arcs: 11 or 8
  • Hebrew letter: (tet)
  • Overall value: Courage

Strength (power) is a card related to the astrological lion. This card is marked with the number 11 or 8 (interchangeable with justice).

What Strength represents in the Tarot - card description

The vision of this card in the Tarot is fairly consistent. The key figures are a woman and a lion, and the woman is calm and gentle, but dominates the lion. Many cards, including the Ryder-Waite-Smith deck, depict a woman holding (opening) the mouth of a lion. Another feature of the RWS waist is the symbol of infinity floating above the woman's head. Other decks either depict a woman sitting on a lion, or simply hold her with one hand. Some decks only contain one character; this card often features flowers.

The woman on the card personifies enlightenment and spiritual forces, and the lion personifies animal passions and worldly desires.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

The Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot symbolizes, first of all, strength and vitality. In its basic (simple) form, it means hard work and strength, physical and spiritual strength. In the opposite position, the meaning of the card also changes to the opposite - then it means laziness and weakness or cruel, unbridled strength.

Representation in other decks: