» Symbolism » Tarot Card Symbols » High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess

  • Astrological sign: Луна
  • Number of Arcs: 2
  • Hebrew letter: C (gimel)
  • Overall value: Secrets

The Pope (or High Priestess) is a card associated with the Moon. This card is marked with the number 2.

What Does the Pope's Charter Show?

In the Ryder-Waite-Smith Tarot deck (pictured), on which many modern decks are based, the High Priestess is identified with the Shekinah, a woman with a particle of divinity. She usually wears a blue robe and sits with her hands on her knees. At the base of the throne is a crescent moon (horned tiara on the head, with a ball in the center), similar to the crown of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor. The figure also has a visible cross on its chest. The scroll in the hands of the Pope, partially covered by her mantle, bears the letters TORAH (which means "divine law"). He sits between the white and black columns - "J" and "B", representing Jachin and Boaz - the columns of the mystical Temple of Solomon. The curtain of the Temple is hidden behind it: it is embroidered with palm leaves and pomegranates.

In Protestant countries (after the Reformation), the image of the legendary Pope John was used in many decks of Tarot cards.

The Pope in the Visconti-Sforza deck was identified as the image of Manfreda's sister, nun Umiliata and a relative of the Visconti family, elected by the pope by the heretical sect of Guglielmita from Lombardy.

Meaning and symbolism in fortune-telling

This card symbolizes virginity, peace, sensitivity, as well as love for others and understanding of their problems.

In the inverted position, the meaning of the card also changes to the opposite - then the Pope symbolizes indifference to other people's problems, self-importance and a sense of superiority. He can also portray a lover or a woman cheating on her husband in a negative way.

Representation in other decks: