» Symbolism » Tarot Card Symbols » World Map

World Map

World Map

  • Astrological sign: Saturn
  • Number of Arcs: 21
  • Hebrew letter: ת (mountain)
  • Overall value: Execution

The world is a map related to the planet Saturn. This card is marked with the number 21 and is the last of the Great Arcana.

What is the World in Tarot - card description

This card depicts a naked woman hovering above the ground or dancing with a cane in each hand, surrounded by a green wreath, watched by various creatures. Creation cards are often symbols of the evangelists (angel, eagle, lion and bull). In some decks, a woman poisons the ground.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

The world is a tarot card that has a positive meaning (for example, the sun). In its basic (simple) form, it means happiness, success, and joy. In the opposite position, the meaning of the card also changes to the opposite - then it means hesitation, suffering and unhappiness.

Representation in other decks: