

  • Astrological sign: Twins
  • Number of Arcs: 6
  • Hebrew letter: Z (date)
  • Overall value: I love

Lovers is a card related to astrological twins. This card is marked with the number 6.

What Lovers represent in Tarot - card description

On the Tarot card of Lovers, three people are most often depicted. There is one figure above the two lovers (in the center). In different decks, either an angel or a cupid floats above the pair. It also happens that the card is presented in a simplified version - with the image of two naked people. The nudity of the figures shows that they have nothing to hide from themselves. The tree of knowledge (life) is behind the woman, and the tree behind the man bears 12 lights.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

The value of this card is primarily associated with feelings, or rather with love. In a general sense, the card of lovers in itself means affection, often unexpected. In the opposite position, the value of the card is also inverted - then the Lovers symbolize a break in relations, a divorce, or the wrong choice of sighs.

Representation in other decks: