

  • Astrological sign: Pisces
  • Number of Arcs: 18
  • Hebrew letter: ק (coffee)
  • Overall value: Confusion

The moon is a chart related to astrological fish. This card is marked with the number 18.

What the Moon shows in Tarot - card description

At the top of the tarot card there is a picture of the moon. Below there are usually two towers and two howling dogs, sometimes standing on a high rock. A body of water with crayfish swimming in it is also often seen.

Inner waist:

In the Vandenborr deck, the moon depicts a woman sitting in the right corner and a tree in the left corner. The woman is depicted with a spinning wheel in her right hand and a spinning thread in her left hand.

In one of the old Italian tarot decks, instead of the scene above, there is an Astrologer making a horoscope while the moon is shining out of the window.

On some maps, the Moon is represented by Artemis, Selene, or Hecate.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

The star card in the Tarot symbolizes delusion, deception and lies. In its basic (simple) form, it means misunderstanding or self-deception in the broadest sense of the word. This card is a symbol of mental illness.

Representation in other decks: