

  • Astrological sign: Cancer
  • Number of Arcs: 7
  • Hebrew letter: ) (Thu)
  • Overall value: Willpower

The Chariot is a card associated with astrological cancer. This card is marked with the number 7.

What is the Chariot in the Tarot - card description

On the Chariot chart, the earliest that we can see is a powerful, regal figure who sits on a fast chariot, usually pulled by two sphinxes or horses. They often appear in black and white - one horse may be black and the other white. They symbolize balance or, as some say, positive and negative tandem action. The figurine can be wearing a crown or a helmet - in some images it is winged. A character can have a sword, wand, scepter, or other symbol representing power or strength.

It is believed that the square on the coachman's chest represents a Kabbalistic view of the four worlds.

Despite the fact that the sky is clear, a canopy of stars can be seen over the driver's head. This shows how "heavenly influences" lead him to victory from above.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

The chariot in Tarot cards primarily symbolizes the pursuit of a goal, intention or the fulfillment of a dream. In a general sense, this card means an attempt to achieve success (for example, professional) at any cost, which ended in success. If flipped, the meaning of the card is also reversed - the Chariot becomes a symbol of disaster and loss of control over the situation.

Representation in other decks: