Page Cup

Page Cup

  • Astrological sign:
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This playing card belongs to the so-called Dworskie. Court is the general name for the pieces: ace, king, queen, horseman, jack.

This card belongs to the color, court, or color of the Cups, that is, one of the four collections of the Little Arcana.

See other Chalice Cards

In occult use of the Tarot, the Chalices are considered part of the "Little Arcana" and may also be called Cupsor banks although it has nothing to do with card games. Like other courts, it contains fourteen cards.

View the Little Arcana Cards

Tarot cards were originally used in games and are still used for this purpose in many parts of Europe. The modern tarot deck "fortune teller" consists of 78 cards, divided into two main groups known as the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards), which include, among other things, the Squire Chalice.

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