

  • Astrological sign: March
  • Number of Arcs: 16
  • Hebrew letter: (Pe)
  • Overall value: Split

The tower is a map associated with the planet Mars. This card is marked with the number 16.

What the Tarot Tower shows - card description

The Tower card, like other cards of the Great Arcana, differs significantly from deck to deck. This card is also known as "Tower of God" or "Lightning".

Minchiate's deck usually shows two naked or half-naked people fleeing through the open door of what looks like a burning building. In some Belgian tarots and tarots of Jacques Vieville of the XNUMXth century, the card is called Lightning Or The Foudre ("Lightning") and shows a tree struck by lightning. In the Tarot of Paris (XNUMX century), the image shown probably shows what looks like the mouth (entrance) of hell - the card is still called The Foudre... The Marseille Tarot combines these two concepts and depicts a flaming tower struck by lightning or fire from the sky, the top of which is pulled back and collapsed. Waite's version of AE is based on the image of Marseille with small tongues of fire in the form of the Hebrew letters Yoda replacing the balls.

Various explanations have been given for the images on the map. For example, it could be a reference to the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, where God destroys the tower that humanity built in order to reach Heaven. The version from the Minchan deck may represent the blow of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

Meaning and symbolism - fortune telling

The Tower Tarot card symbolizes destruction, the loss of something valuable, a problem or illness. The Tower is one of the most sinister tarot cards. This card also symbolizes despair after losing something of value.

Representation in other decks: