Green quartz

Green quartz is a common mineral that is often used in the jewelry industry as an ornamental stone. The characteristics of the gem allow you to create amazing fantasy products with it. But in addition to attractiveness, natural green quartz also has healing and magical properties.


Green quartz

It is immediately worth noting that the following gems belong to green quartz:

  • prase;
  • prasiolite;
  • aventurine;
  • heliotrope.

In addition, varieties of quartz such as agate and iridescent can also be dyed green in combination with another color. Hue saturation can vary from pale grey-green to deep grassy. The mineral owes its bright and deep green color to the huge amount of actinolite in the composition. The crystals of green quartz themselves, formed in nature, have a glassy clear luster, high hardness and can be either completely transparent or translucent or even opaque. The stone is piezo- and dielectric, like all varieties of quartz.

All natural gems are sensitive to sunlight. With prolonged interaction with the sun's rays, they lose their rich shade, turn pale.

The main deposits are India, Australia, Brazil, Russia, USA, Germany.  


The energy properties that any natural green quartz is endowed with make it possible to use it in alternative medicine and magical rituals.

Green quartz

So, in lithotherapy, a gem is used:

  • helps to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system;
  • increases immunity, protects against colds and flu;
  • improves the work of the heart and increases the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels;
  • balances the emotional state, calms the nervous system;
  • eliminates insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression;
  • normalizes the endocrine system;
  • contributes to the mild course of the recovery period after suffering serious illnesses or operations.

In general, the possibilities of the mineral in the field of alternative medicine are very diverse. In addition, due to its special properties to conduct a weak current, it is often used as an alternative to acupuncture.

Green quartz

As for the magical properties, the stone has long gained fame as a powerful energy amulet, with which you can attract good luck, improve family relationships and understand yourself. In addition, green quartz has the following properties:

  • develops analytical thinking and memory;
  • helps to quickly find the right solution in conflicting situations;
  • gives the owner self-confidence, helps him to believe in himself;
  • reveals talents, enhances fantasy.

The gem is often used for meditation - it helps to focus and concentrate.


Almost all green quartz of high quality are valuable jewelry and ornamental stones, so the main area of ​​use is jewelry. The mineral can be found in both women's and men's jewelry. Particularly popular are men's seals and rings with dark herbal gems. The frame is often made of gold or silver, but the cut can be the most diverse - from the classic cabochon to multi-stage tables.

Green quartz

To whom does

Astrologers claim that only Aquarius and Libra are ideally compatible with green quartz. They have very similar energy, which makes this union harmonious and balanced. The mineral will help these people to show their abilities, unlock their potentials and find the right path in life. For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, the stone will be neutral. It is not capable of bringing any harm or danger, but if a person is honest and benevolent, then the gem will not leave him in trouble and protect him from all sorts of troubles.