» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » green pomegranate

green pomegranate

Did you know that garnet is not a separate stone in nature? Pomegranate - this is the name of a whole group of minerals that can have a variety of shades. One of its most valuable varieties is green garnet, which bears the official name - uvarovite.


green pomegranate

Uvarovite is a variety of the garnet group, which is painted in a beautiful emerald hue. It got its name in honor of the famous Russian antiquarian, statesman and minister of public education - Count Sergei Semyonovich Uvarov.

green pomegranate

The mineral was first discovered in the Urals, so it is not surprising that at first it was called the Ural emerald. Only in 1832 was the stone officially described and given its own separate name.

It got its shade due to the high content of chromium in the composition. But if you crush the mineral into powder, you get a white substance.

green pomegranate

Uvarovite is a very rare stone. Its deposits are mainly located in ultramafic rocks - chromites and chromium chlorites. However, gems are also found in serpentinites, in metamorphic rocks that contain large amounts of iron and manganese. To date, deposits are known in Russia, Finland, Norway, Canada, the USA, and Turkey.

green pomegranate

The main characteristics of the stone:

  • line color - white;
  • shine - glassy, ​​clean;
  • it can be both completely transparent and translucent;
  • hardness index - 6,5-7 on the Mohs scale;
  • does not melt in the flame of a blowpipe;
  • insoluble in acids.

Healing and magical properties of green pomegranate

green pomegranate

Long before uvarovite was officially described, it was already widely used by healers and sorcerers. The reason for this is the special energy properties of the stone, which are manifested in healing and magical properties.

In the field of lithotherapy, the mineral is known as a tool to strengthen or restore male power. It has a positive effect on male libido and potency.

green pomegranate

In addition, the gem is endowed with other healing properties:

  • cleanses the blood, improves its circulation, fills it with oxygen;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases hemoglobin level;
  • improves metabolism in the body;
  • cleanses the organs of toxins and toxins;
  • contributes to the health of hair, nails and skin;
  • improves vision;
  • eliminates headaches, severe migraines;
  • calms the nervous system, helps to overcome insomnia, get rid of nightmares, fears, depression, blues.

As for the magical properties, according to esotericists, uvarovite personifies family well-being and material wealth. It is recommended to be worn by those who are somehow connected with business, as it helps not only in negotiating, but also contributes to their successful resolution.

green pomegranate

Uvarovit, like a magnet, attracts finances to its owner. However, you need to be very careful here! Don't expect easy ways. The stone helps only those who confidently go to their goals and work to achieve them.

If we consider the gem as a family amulet, then it helps to improve relations between spouses, eliminates quarrels, misunderstandings, and smoothes out “acute” moments. But for lonely people, he will help find his love and build a strong and happy family.


green pomegranate

Uvarovite is often used as a jewelry stone in the form of an insert in various jewelry: rings, brooches, bracelets, earrings, cufflinks, hairpins.

Of particular interest is the gem for collectors due to its rarity and unique shade.

Who suits green pomegranate according to the zodiac sign

green pomegranate

According to astrologers, the best tandem is formed by the mineral with Lions. It suits them just perfect. The stone will help achieve goals, make the right decisions, and generally improve the life of its owner.

As a talisman, the stone is recommended for Sagittarius and Aries. It will help to listen to yourself and your desires, and make the life of these people more calm and not so fast.

green pomegranate

Virgos and Capricorns can wear a gem in the form of jewelry. He will help such people become calmer, fill them with positive energy and protect them from any negative from the outside.

But this stone is contraindicated for Pisces, since their energies are radically different. When these two forces collide, a person will become very irritable, and even aggressive. Therefore, it is better to refuse the purchase.

green pomegranate

Uvarovite, like any other natural mineral, needs care. Do not forget to clean it periodically, freeing it from negative information, and then it will become your best protector and, of course, an indispensable decoration.