» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Mysterious stone rauchtopaz

Mysterious stone rauchtopaz

Rauchtopaz is one of the most mysterious stones. Although it is essentially a smoky quartz, its brilliance is so chic that the gem can easily rival topaz, and in some cases even diamond.

Description, mining

Mysterious stone rauchtopazRauchtopaz is a variety of quartz that has a smoky brownish tint. If even the slightest impurities of iron or copper are present in the composition of the mineral, then rauchtopaz acquires a golden hue, and sometimes pronounced golden spots. The shade of the stone is obtained due to irradiation in natural conditions. Mineralogists have found that rauchtopaz crystals are formed in rocks with a high radioactive background. Due to its high strength and transparency, amazing figurines and jewelry are created from it. It can be given absolutely any shape, which is why jewelers love the gem so much.

It should be noted that the mineral has nothing to do with topaz, since it belongs to aluminum silicates and a variety of impurities can be found in its composition. The stone was very often the object of research, as a result of which many interesting facts were revealed:

  1. If rock crystal, which is famous for its transparency, is irradiated, then it will acquire a smoky shade, that is, in fact, it will become rauchtopaz.
  2. The yellow hue of the stone is due to the destruction of rutile under the influence of temperature.
  3. If you heat the gem, you will end up with citrine. However, the heating temperature must be above 300C.

Mysterious stone rauchtopazCrystals were first discovered in the mountains of Switzerland. Over time, the mining sites expanded and the mineral began to be found in Madagascar and Brazil. For some time, the United States could boast of a few deposits, where twin crystals were mined, that is, branches fused together. There were cases when the specimens found reached incredible sizes weighing 200 kg, but such work requires special equipment.


Perhaps this is the only stone that has many names:

  • Colorado diamond;
  • Gypsy;
  • talyanchik;
  • gopher or grease;
  • buddha stone;
  • coregorm;
  • smoky quartz.

Rauchtopaz acquired all these names over many years of fame in different countries.

Even in ancient times, bowls, vessels for wine, statuettes of gods and rulers were created from the gem, a little later - cigarette cases, rings, cufflinks. The mineral was especially popular during the reign of Catherine II - it was decorated with tiaras, rings, bracelets and other jewelry.


Already in the 19th century, no one doubted the powerful energy force of rauchtopaz. They made charms, amulets from it, endowed it with healing properties and efficiency in the field of magic.

Mysterious stone rauchtopaz


The stone is used in the treatment of many diseases. Not only lithotherapists are confident in its healing properties, but also people who, with its help, got rid of health problems. So, the gem is used for:

  • diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases reproductive opportunities and increases sexual desire;
  • relieves stress, tension, helps fight depression;
  • increases immunity, protects against colds and flu;
  • relieves severe pain - headache, articular;
  • cleanses the blood, removes toxins from the body;
  • helps to get rid of drug and alcohol addiction, suppresses the passion for games.


Mysterious stone rauchtopazEven during the Middle Ages, the mineral was actively used by magicians to communicate with the world of the dead. And in Tibet, rauchtopaz was used during meditation - it tends to quickly calm and distract from all life's problems. The magical properties of the stone are not limited to this:

  • clears the mind, calms, gives harmony with oneself;
  • frees and protects from negative energy;
  • increases the power of intuition;
  • helps to see prophetic dreams;
  • protects from damage, evil eye, curses.

To whom does

Astrologers say that the gem has its effect on each sign of the Zodiac, but is most suitable for people born under the sign of Capricorn and Virgo. Their energy does not oppose the energy of the stone, so this tandem will have a positive effect on the internal feelings of the owner.

Mysterious stone rauchtopaz

But the mineral does not fit the signs of the elements of Fire. Their active nature will categorically not perceive the peaceful energy of the stone and, most likely, will make the owner shy and indecisive.

Pisces and Gemini can wear talismans with rauchtopaz. He will give them peace of mind in difficult situations, and give them self-confidence.

Libra will become more balanced and purposeful with a stone, but Aquarius may have problems with prolonged wear - the gem will cause aggression and anger in them.