» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Eye of the Hawk. - - A great movie

Eye of the Hawk. - - A great movie

Eye of the Hawk. - - Great film
eye of the Hawk

Hawkeye is a blue opaque microcrystalline quartz stone.

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A dark blue, opaque variety of microcrystalline quartz. It is a mineral that turns into another mineral over time. First he was a crocidolite, and then? turned into quartz. Crocidolite is a fibrous blue mineral belonging to the amphibole silicate family of the riebeckite family. The transformation of the stone begins when the quartz slowly settles between the fibers of the crocidolite.


This stone is known for its verbosity. It looks like a hawk's eye. It is associated with tiger's eye and pitersite, both of which show similar verbosity. Similarly, the tiger's eye is made up of more iron.

Cutting, processing and imitation

Blue hawk eye gemstones are not usually crafted or enhanced in any way.

Gemstones are usually cut cabochon to better show their chat. Red stones are treated with gentle heat treatment. Dark stones are artificially lightened with nitric acid to improve the color.

Faux fiberglass is a popular tiger eye imitation and comes in a wide variety of colors. Tiger's eye is mainly native to South Africa and East Asia.

microcrystalline quartz

Microcrystalline quartz are clusters of quartz crystals that are visible only at high magnification. Cryptocrystalline forms are either transparent or mostly opaque, while transparent ones are usually macrocrystalline.

Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica, consisting of thin intergrowths of both quartz and its monoclinic polymorph, moganite. Other opaque varieties of quartz or mixed rocks, including quartz, often containing contrasting stripes or patterns of color, are agate, carnelian or carnelian, onyx, heliotrope, jasper.

The value of the hawk's eye stone and healing properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

As a charming nugget, this stone is recognized as a magical gem that creates a protective shield around the torso to protect oneself from life's dangers. Recognized to expand the soul, bring knowledge and clarity of mind to see the reality of life.

South African hawk eye

Hawkeye under the microscope


Is hawkeye dangerous?

The reason for its dangling may be sunken asbestos fibers, as well as actinolite fibers. Asbestos is a known useful but dangerous material that can cause lung cancer, but its dangerous fibers are well embedded in the blue hawk and cat's eye and do not pose a threat to the owner.

Is brindle blue eye natural?

Yes it is. The gemstone is a unique part of the quartz family. Unlike red tiger's eye, which is actually a heat-treated product of golden tiger's eye, the blue color of tiger's eye is a natural phenomenon.

Natural hawkeye for sale in our shop

We make custom hawkstone jewelry in the form of wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.