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The Importance of Ametrine Crystal

The Importance of Ametrine Crystal

The meaning and properties of ametrine stone. Ametrine crystal is often used in jewelry as a ring, necklace, pendant and earrings.

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Also known as tristin or by the trade name bolivianite, it is a naturally occurring variety of quartz. This stone is a mixture of amethyst and lemon with areas of purple and yellow or orange. Almost all stone available on the market comes from Bolivia.

Legend has it that ametrine was first brought to Europe by a conquistador, given as a gift to the Queen of Spain in the XNUMXth century, after receiving a dowry in Bolivia when he married a princess from his native Ayoreo tribe.

Mixture of amethyst and citrine

The color of the zones visible in the ammetric stone is due to the different degree of iron oxidation in the crystal. Lemon segments contain oxidized iron, while amethyst segments are not oxidized. The different oxidation states are due to the temperature gradient in the crystal during its formation.

An artificial gemstone is made from natural citrine by beta irradiation (which is part of amethyst) or from amethyst, which turns into lemons through various heat treatments.

A stone in the low price segment can be made of synthetic material. Greenish-yellow or golden-blue color does not occur in nature.


Ametrine is silicon dioxide (SiO2) and is a tectosilicate, meaning that it has a silicate backbone bonded by shared oxygen atoms.

The value of ametrine and medicinal properties

The following section is pseudo-scientific and based on cultural beliefs.

The gemstone is said to be sexually beneficial as it balances the masculine and feminine energies of the citrine and amethyst segments respectively.

If placed in the bed of someone and their partner, their energy will help keep both energy levels in balance and prevent one energy from being completely absorbed. It's also good for same-sex relationships, friendships, and professional relationships.

It is effective in understanding the causes of physical illness due to its powerful cleansing properties that disperse toxins. It also strengthens the immune system, stabilizes DNA/RNA and oxygenates the body.

Treats indigestion and ulcers, fatigue, headaches and stress-related illnesses. Along with physical healing, it is able to improve your mental state by healing depression, self-confidence, creativity, and balancing mental stability.


What is ametrine for?

The crystal is said to be a complete balance of the properties of amethyst and citrine. As a stone of balance and connection, it is believed to relieve tension, bring peace and stimulate creativity, and balance mental stability and self-confidence.

What helps ametrine?

Quartz crystals that help increase mental and spiritual clarity by combining masculine and feminine energies. It has a strong healing energy that removes negativity from the aura and helps to lose weight, as well as get rid of addictions.

Who can wear ametrine?

Western astrology recommends this stone to Pisces and Sagittarius.

Ametrine rare?

It is a rare, limited supply gemstone that is only commercially produced in Bolivia and Brazil.

Can ametrine be added to water?

The stone can be safely cleaned with warm soapy water. Ultrasonic cleaners are generally safe, except in rare cases where the stone is painted or treated by gap filling. Steam cleaning is not recommended and the crystal should not be exposed to heat.

You can buy natural ametrine in our jewelry store.

We make bespoke ametrine jewelry in the form of wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… Please contact us for a quote.