» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Cat's Eye Topaz Rare Gemstone New Update 2021 Awesome Video

Cat's Eye Topaz Rare Gemstone New Update 2021 Awesome Video

Cat's Eye Topaz Rare Gemstone New Update 2021 Awesome Video

Topaz is a very common gemstone, but cat's eye topaz is rare. The two main sources are Burma (Myanmar) and Madagascar.

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Pure topaz is colorless and transparent, but usually colored by impurities, typical topaz is red, yellow, light grey, red-orange, or bluish-brown. It can also be white, light green, blue, gold, pink (rare), reddish yellow, or opaque to transparent/translucent.

Orange topaz is a traditional November birthstone, a symbol of friendship, and the gemstone of the US state of Utah.

Imperial topaz comes in yellow, pink, rarely if natural or pinkish orange. Brazilian imperial topaz can often range in color from light yellow to dark golden, and sometimes even purple. Many brown or light topazes are processed to light yellow, gold, pink, or purple. Some imperial topaz can fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Blue topaz is the state gemstone of Texas in the United States. Naturally occurring blue is quite rare. Typically colorless, gray or light yellow and blue materials are heat-treated and irradiated to produce the more desirable dark blue color.

Topaz is commonly associated with siliceous igneous rocks such as granite and rhyolite. It usually crystallizes in granitic pegmatites or in steam pits in rhyolitic lava flows, including Mount Topaz in western Utah and Chivinara in South America.

It can be found along with fluorite and cassiterite in various regions including Ural and Ilmen in Russia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Pakistan, Italy, Sweden, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Flinders Island, Australia, Nigeria and United States.

cat eye effect

In gemology, chat, or the chat or cat's eye effect, is an optical reflection effect seen in some gemstones. Coined from the French "oeil de chat", meaning "cat's eye", the dangling occurs either due to the fibrous structure of the material, as in cat's eye tourmaline, cat's eye topaz, or due to fibrous inclusions or cavities in the stone, as in cat's eye. eye. eye chrysoberyl.

The deposits that trigger the chat are the needles. There were no tubes or fibers in the samples tested. The needles settle perpendicular to the cat's eye effect. The needle grid parameter corresponds to only one of the three orthorhombic axes of the chrysoberyl crystal due to alignment in that direction.

The phenomenon resembles the glow of a silk coil. The luminous band of reflected light is always perpendicular to the direction of the fibers. In order for the gemstone to best show this effect, it must be in the form of a cabochon.

Round with a flat base, uncut, with fibers or fibrous structures parallel to the base of the finished stone. The best finished specimens have one spike. A line of light passing through a stone as it rotates. Lower quality Chatoyant stones exhibit the striated effect typical of cat's eye varieties of quartz. Faceted stones show the effect poorly.

Topaz cat's eye from Burma

Natural cat's eye topaz is sold in our gemstone shop

We make custom jewelry with cat's eye topaz in the form of wedding rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pendants… contact us for a quote.