» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Properties and advantages of shungite

Properties and advantages of shungite

A magnificent mineral of saturated color, shungite is mined in the north of Russia. It's connected with shield symbol and is a powerful source of vitality. Its use in lithotherapy includes many actions for physical and mental ailments, focusing on protecting and anchoring the earth as a living force.

Mineral properties of shungite

Shungite is a stone native to Karelia in Russia. It mainly consists of carbon in the form of fullerene molecules.

  • Group : uncrystallized carbon
  • Crystal system: amorphous
  • Composition: fullerene molecules
  • Colours: black, grey, silver
  • Density: 1,5 2 to
  • Hardness: 3,5 4 to
  • Transparency: opaque
  • Glow : vitreous, metallic
  • deposits: in the north of Russia and Kazakhstan

The main varieties of shungite

In fact, there are two varieties of shungite: silver, also called elite, and black.

Silver shungite: Rare and noble, this variety has a silvery color and a glassy sheen. These characteristics give it metallic reflections. It is almost entirely composed of carbon. Presenting structural fragility, silver stone is not processed much and is sold in its raw form. He is credited with remarkable strength and great cleansing action.

Black shungite: This second grade, containing 30 to 60% carbon, is black in color. Its composition gives it remarkable strength. Being easy to process and polish, black shungite is valued in the jewelry and decorative sectors.

Etymology of the name "shungite"

Shunga is a small village located in the Republic of Karelia, in northwestern Russia. This exceptional region has tens of thousands of lakes and streams, as well as many nature reserves. There are also hundreds of deposits producing about fifty different ores.

Properties and advantages of shungite

One of the few shungite deposits in the world is located in the village of Shunga., not far from Lake Onega. Thus, the name of this stone, quite naturally, is associated with the place of its origin.

History of shungite

Peter the Great and shungite

Ancient cultures used shungite for cure many diseases such as skin diseases, allergies, hair loss, or inflammation of the mouth. The legends that have come down to us say that Peter I knew about the healing properties of shungite back in the 18th century. The Emperor of All Russia determined its ability to purify water and supported its thermal use. He also advised his soldiers to make decoctions from it to fight dysentery.

Fullerenes and the Nobel Prize

In the 1980s, three eminent scientists - Harold Kroto, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley - shed light on the existence of fullerenes. These conductive and lubricating nanoparticles are then used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and electronics. Shungite contains fullerenes, a crystalline modification of carbon. In 1996, three researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discoveries.

Modern use of shungite

This stone is widely used in jewelry industry. Its deep black color also makes it a popular coloring pigment. Sometimes included in production Construction Materials. Shungite is also used in the field. сельскохозяйственный. Added to cultivated land, it provides calcium and phosphorus and maintains favorable moisture levels.

Properties of shungite in lithotherapy

The central virtue of shungite revolves around protection concept. Therefore, the symbol that is naturally associated with it is the shield. Known for its barrier action against waves and radiation, it activates the phenomenon of protecting human life and positive energy.

Anchor stone, he is credited with a fundamental connection with chakra racin. Located next to the coccyx, the first chakra symbolizes our connection to the earth, our original foundation. A symbol of stability, when functioning optimally, it ensures our strength and support for the environment. Shungite vibrates with the root chakra, promoting strong alignment with the earth and our origins.

Properties and advantages of shungite

All astrological signs can potentially benefit from shungite stone. in bull, however, is especially attached to this stone, which has grounding power and stability.

Virtues versus ills of physical origin

Anti-wave and radiation shield

This is where the exceptional reputation of shungite lies: its effect protection against electromagnetic waves and radiation generally. In the era of mass use of electronic technologies, shungite stands out as a providential stone. We are constantly surrounded by numerous waves associated with the use of mobile phones and Wi-Fi networks, 4G or 5G. Their effects are still poorly understood, but many people want to limit the effects of their exposure.

This stone is a valuable remedy for people with IEI-EMC (Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance Associated with Electromagnetic Fields), which is electromagnetic hypersensitivity. According to those affected, this syndrome causes fatigue, skin damage, headaches and difficulty concentrating. Due to its protective action, shungite can help them cope with everyday life situations, reducing the impact of waves on their health. But the general population would also benefit from this overall protective effect.

Life force power

Deeply connected with the earth and with human life, shungite is a wonderful source of life force. It activates the circulation of bodily fluids, especially blood circulation. The body is cleansed and stimulated when using this mineral. Thanks to these mechanisms, shungite optimizes vitality and protects physical health. He is a true protector of human life.

A stone in the service of immunity

True to its fundamental protection-oriented symbolism, shungite is positioned as an ally of the immune system. Due to its energetic qualities, it activates natural defenses human body by maximizing the potential of immunity. Thus, this stone also accompanies and promotes recovery in case of illness.

Water purification

According to its ancient history, the properties of shungite have long been used in spa treatment. She has cleansing properties which allow you to cleanse the body and skin. Some recommend water purified with shungite, others believe that heavy metals present in shungite make it undrinkable. To avoid risk, you can stone elixir without contact of water with a mineral.

Properties and advantages of shungite

Virtues versus vices of mental and psychological origin

Protective shungite

Protection from waves and harmful environmental influences, shungite is also a protective stone against troubles of relational and psychological origin. Helps fight reflections, gloomy thoughts and harmful influences. It acts as a calming force, helping to create a bubble of calm and positivity around its user.

transition stone

This mineral also reveals its benefits in times of change. He accompanies transitions whether professional or private, imposed tests or deliberate choices. Metamorphoses occur gently, with philosophy and hope thanks to the powerful vibrations of shungite.

Anchoring and harmony

The stone of life, inextricably linked with the earthly force, shungite performs anchoring work when in contact with a person. In times of confusion or doubt, using this mineral helps align the chakras and refocus energies to find harmony and meaning.

What stones are associated with shungite?

Specialists in lithotherapy agree on the unique and specific nature of shungite, which makes it a particularly independent stone. Its impressive properties in terms of protection, anchorage and vitality are fully expressed through its unique use. Associations with other minerals are not recommended.

How to clean and charge shungite?

Like all stones with beneficial properties, shungite requires special care in order to reveal its full potential. So be sure to clean it and recharge it between each use. When immersed in water, this stone automatically activates the liquid cleaning mechanism. Therefore, it will be necessary to choose other methods to purify the mineral itself. in ground contact or fumigation compose cleaning methods effective. Shungite will restore its full working capacity in a few hours charging in the sun.