» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Properties, advantages and benefits of opal

Properties, advantages and benefits of opal

Through the subtle alchemy between water and mineral, opal is both a source and a symbol of light. Its pearly sheen and iridescent reflections account for its exceptional reputation. This category of stones brings together a rich variety of gemstones with many shades. In lithotherapy, opal is known for many virtues, such as moisturizing the body or clairvoyance of the mind.

Mineral properties of opal

Opal, or solid silica hydrogel, composed of water and silica. Under the influence of heat, it turns into quartz. It occurs in sedimentary rocks or igneous rocks.

  • Group : quartz
  • Crystal system: amorphous, grouped aggregates
  • Composition: aqueous silica
  • Colours: different colors
  • Density: 1,9 2,5 to
  • Hardness: 5,5 6,5 to
  • Transparency: transparent to translucent
  • Brightness: glass
  • Forms: Kidney masses, pseudomorphs and fossils
  • deposits: Australia, North America, Central and South America, Japan

The main varieties of opals

Thecommon opal, the majority in this mineral category, is a milky variety, sometimes pigmented with pale colors such as grey, yellow or pink. There are also subspecies such as Andean opal or purple opal.

Thehydrophane opal, white and opaque, has a unique feature. Becomes transparent when immersed in water.

Thefire opal it is a variety that ranges in color from orange-yellow to bright red.

. opales nobles white or black with a bright iridescent color.

Opal jewelry and items

Opal and light

Among all stones, opal symbolizes light. Mineralogical properties give it radiance, pearly sheen and iridescent highlights which produce a striking aesthetic effect.

The layering of opals is responsible for a phenomenon called multicolor. This is the source of a wonderful visual impression, according to which the object changes color depending on the angle of view. The name of this stone is even associated with the origin of a certain property:opalescence. It is said to be a translucent material with a milky tint and iridescent reflections.


Etymology of the word "Opal"

This glowing stone got its name from the Sanskrit term - the classical Indo-European language - Fell what does gemstone mean. Upala later inspired the terms opallion et Opalus, respectively used in Greek and Latin.

Today, the word "opal" has also become a popular female name. Opaline refers to a translucent milky material used for spectacles or decorative items.

History of opals

Queen of gems

According to archaeological finds, Opal was already being processed in Ethiopia, 4000 B.C.. Pliny the Elder described it as an absolute gem, combining the most wonderful properties of other minerals. According to her, this own queen borrows the brilliance of amethyst, the fire of garnet and the depth of emerald.

On the side of the Greeks they attributed to the opals of many virtues. They favored, in the eyes of the Ancients, clairvoyance, TheHope и purity. The legends of the Indian and Arab civilizations still reach us, each of which emphasizes the aesthetic and esoteric properties of opal.

The cure for the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages it health benefits related to this stone. So it's used to save eye health и Hair color. It is also valued for its visual qualities and brilliance.

beauty stone

In the 19th century, an opal deposit discovered in Australia revived the popularity of the stone. Queen Victoria herself made it her own favorite gem. A showcase of choice for this mineral, which has thus ushered in a new era of celebrity. Opal is still traditionally valued for its aesthetic qualities and is primarily used in jewelry and ornaments. Lithotherapy also solves this problem. exceptional rock and interprets his mental and physiological virtues in the service of people.

Opal properties in lithotherapy

The main symbol of opal is light. Thanks to mineralogical phenomena such as iridescence and opalescence, this stone offers us gentle and hypnotic show mixed with iridescent reflections and pearlescent effects. With this powerful characteristic, opal has many virtues derived from its vibration and brightness, such as clairvoyance, clarity, concentration, intuition, and joy.

The second element symbolizes this magnificent mineral: water. An important part of its composition, it contributes to its unique radiance. From the point of view of physical health and mental balance, the element of water, omnipresent in the structure of opal, as in the human body, has a beneficial and stabilizing contribution.

The chakra mainly associated with this stone is frontal chakra. Naturally, in connection with the concepts of intellectual clairvoyance and mental clarity, its resonance with opal is appropriate.

Opals have many virtues that suit the interests and needs of astrological signs. Lithotherapists recommend using it for Gemini, To Leftovers, To Sagittarius и hand.

. opal wedding traditionally called a holiday 21 years of marriage.

Virtues versus ills of physical origin

Fluid balance

Partially composed of water, opal quite naturally has balancing effect on body fluids. It regulates hydration and is recommended for people suffering from Water retention. Due to its moisturizing effect, this mineral also reduces rheumatism and other joint diseases.

Diuretic properties

Lithotherapy treats opal as great natural diuretic. Its use is suitable for cleansing the kidneys and bladder.

Skin care

Due to its moisturizing properties, this stone is the preferred choice for nourishing and protecting the health of the epidermis. With therapeutic contact with opal, more hydrated skin retains its firmness and elasticity. Cell regeneration is also activated, which delays aging and the appearance of amusement rides.

Cleansing action

All bodily fluids benefit from the virtues of opal, be it blood, sweat, urine, or mucous membranes. Always associated with water content, it renders cleansing and regenerating effect on liquids which pass through the human body and provide its balance.

Access to pleasure

Fire Opal, whose hues fluctuate between yellow and red, has a reputation foropen the doors of physical pleasure. For both men and women, this stone will facilitate more spontaneous access to sexuality.

Virtues versus evils of mental and psychological origin

Source of Mental and Spiritual Clarity

The symbol of light conveys all opal's ability to illuminate the problems and visions of the mind. Clairvoyance, mental clarity, spiritual intuition are all benefits of the therapeutic use of the stone. She will also be the source premonitions и vision of the futurewhether they materialize through dreams or intuition.

Support for peaceful communication

Andean opal, in particular, is known for its supporting constructive and peaceful communication. Accompanies a person with thoughtful and calm speech to promoteself-expression soft and constructive.

Artistic inspiration

Undoubtedly inspired by its undeniable visual merits, one of the advantages of opal is drawn to art and taste. This will develop artistic flair, an appreciation of beauty, good taste, and the ability to identify aesthetic qualities.

Talent Revealer

Opal acts to support people who lack self-confidence or clairvoyance. By his luminous power he reveals hidden talents, reveals unexpected inner riches for oneself and in the eyes of others. In spiritual expansion, this mineral will favor appearance and awareness of the truth.

What stones are associated with opal?

With the association of stones in lithotherapy, lithotherapists agree that the properties of minerals of similar colors are enhanced by their synergy. With this in mind, blue opal, along with lapis lazuli,Aquamarine or chrysocolla, has a liberating effect on throat chakra and the ability to express yourself.

Opal is also married toobsidian get a beneficial effect on all chakras. This association contributesinner balance and harmony in the flow of energy.

How to clean and charge opals?

True to its liquid component, opal seeking contact with water. For this reason, you can free him from distilled water baths as often as you wish. In this way he will be purified and optimized in his balance and his vibrations.

To recharge an opal to keep it balanced and not damage it by exposing it to potentially too bright sunlight, selectmoonlight exposure, a source of energy balance and peace.