» Symbolism » Symbols of stones and minerals » Star Sapphire - Six Ray Star - - Amazing movie

Star Sapphire — Six Ray Star — — Amazing movie

Star Sapphire - Six Ray Star - - Amazing movie

A star sapphire is a type of corundum sapphire that exhibits a star-shaped phenomenon known as asterism.

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Red corundum is rubies. The stone contains intersecting acicular inclusions. It follows the basic crystal structure. This causes the appearance of a six-pointed star. When viewed with a single overhead light source. The inclusion is often silk needles. The stones are cut in the form of a cabochon. It is better if the center of the star is at the top of the dome.

sapphire stone with twelve rays

Sometimes twelve-beam stars can be seen. Usually because two different corundum crystals grow together in the same structure. For example, a combination of thin needles with small hematite plates. The first results give a whitish star. And the second gives a gold star.

During crystallization, the two types of inclusions are predominantly oriented in different directions in the crystal. Thus, two six-pointed stars were formed.

They are superimposed on each other, forming a twelve-pointed star. Distorted or 12-arm stars can also result from twinning. Alternatively, inclusions can create a cat's eye effect.

If the upward direction of the cabochon dome is oriented perpendicular to the crystal axis c. Instead of being parallel to it. If the dome is oriented between these two directions. An off-center star will be visible. Offset from the highest point of the dome.

World records

The Star of Adam is the largest gemstone weighing 1404.49 carats. We found a gem in the city of Ratnapura in the south of Sri Lanka. In addition, the Black Star from Queensland, the second largest gemstone in the world, weighs 733 carats.

Sapphire Star Gem of India

The other, the "Star of India", hails from Sri Lanka. Its weight is 563.4 carats. This is the third largest star sapphire. And it is currently on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. In addition, the 182-carat Mumbai Star, mined in Sri Lanka and housed in the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.

This is another example of a large blue star sapphire. The value of a stone depends not only on the weight of the stone, but also on the color of the body, the visibility and intensity of the asterism.

Rough star sapphires from Burma (Burma)

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