blue spinel

Blue spinel is a noble gemstone. It is known that a small scattering of this gem is an adornment of the coats of arms of the noble families of Spain, England and France. In ancient times, royal regalia, decorated with spinel, endowed the monarch with wisdom, love of his people and instilled fear in enemies.

Description, mining

The blue-colored mineral belongs to the class of oxides and is a kind of noble spinel. The stone is quite hard - on the Mohs scale 7,5-8, but fragile in its structure. Transparency is pure, translucent. It has a glassy metallic luster. The gems of this group lack the effect of pleochroism and birefringence. However, minerals of this shade with alexandrite effect deserve special attention. Such specimens in sunlight have a blue tint, and in artificial light they begin to shimmer with red highlights. 

blue spinel

The color scheme of blue spinel is diverse - from brown-blue to cornflower blue. Natural minerals have various inclusions - air bubbles, scratches, cracks. 

The main crystal deposits are:

  • the island of Sri Lanka;
  • Thailand;
  • Myanmar
  • India;
  • Brazil;
  • Afghanistan. 

Not so long ago, an amazing blue spinel weighing 500 carats was found in Pakistan. 


blue spinel

The gem has many healing properties:

  • strengthening immunity and fighting viral diseases;
  • treatment of dermatitis, skin rashes, psoriasis;
  • use in gastric diseases;
  • treatment of the endocrine system and liver diseases.

Due to its strong magical energy, the stone is considered a powerful amulet to attract love and happiness. For many nations, it is a symbol of fidelity, love and sincerity. Blue spinel is able to change a person for the better, suppressing negative aspects in him such as lies, greed, cynicism, selfishness. If a person is not ready to change his life and has evil thoughts, the gem can even do harm. For a person who sincerely believes in the power of a gem, the stone will reveal all its mystical possibilities, including the development of the gift of foresight. 


blue spinel

Blue spinel has found wide application in jewelry. Jewelry with it is framed in precious metals and cost several thousand dollars. As a rule, a blue crystal is given a brilliant or step cut. Star-shaped specimens are processed using the cabochon method, as a result of which the stones acquire a smooth, rounded shape without facets. Blue spinel looks gorgeous framed in gold, both yellow and white. It is used to create unique collectible jewelry that will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of beauty.